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Karai sat in my car, zordoz on her lap and she was on her phone.

Her injured hand was laying on her lap too. "And you need to bandage your hand" I said.

Karai sighed. "Fine." She said.

I drove to her house which was a few streets down from my house.

I grabbed zordoz and her bag, and helped her inside.

Karai held onto her hand. I put her dog and things down. I saw the first aid kit In plain sight. "I can do it myself" she said.

"I know" I said, applying gel to the bruise around her wrist and arm.

As I was putting the bandage on karai retracted her arm. "That hurts" she said.

I rolled my eyes. And grabbed her elbow, pulled her forward and kissed her hard on the lips. Karai's eyes widened.

I wrapped the bandage around her arm fast. I pulled away and tied a knot.

Karai staired at me. "What." I asked.

"Nothing." She said.

I grabbed my things and walked out of the house with out saying goodbye.

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