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I put on a blue tanktop with the word 'leader' on it and put on Jean's and trainers. I walked to school with my brothers.

I saw karai she wore... a cute outfit

Her arm was still bandaged

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Her arm was still bandaged. When she saw me she looked away, blushing.

I smirked. 'Shut up for a bit, is that so hard to do?' Karai said in Korean.

"Leo." Aprio called.


"Have you and karai kissed yet?" She asked winking.

"Yes" I said. April gasped. "She wouldn't stop being stubborn so I had to" I said.

"You were being hard with my arm! It still hurts ya know!"

"Not everything heals over night"

"Okay shut you, I dare you two to kiss" mona said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Its a dare"


I pulled karai by the waist and pulled her into a kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she kissed back. Mine wrapped around her waist.

Her lips are so soft... shes amazing at kissing.
April and the girls were squealing.  We pulled away.
Karai looked away and let go, I did the same.

Her blush became brighter. "Awww" mikey said as him and my brothers walked towards us.

"You two need to date" donnie said.

I blushed. "Shut up" I growled.

I dropped karai of home. And I am sitting in my car, outside of my house. Mikey began to call.

Mikey- you gonna stay outside all day?
Me- I don't know I just need some time to think
Mikey- about what?
Me- if I tell you, promise me you'll never tell anyone
Mikey- fine, shall I come out?
Me- yea, I guess.

Mikey hung up on me and walked out of the house towards me.

He sat in my car. "Okay what's this about?" He asked.

"About karai" I said.

"Okay what about her?"

"I have feelings for her"

"Aren't you two together?"

"No this kiss was a dare"

"Yea... I think you two look great together"

"Right back at ya"

"Me and karai?"

"No you and shinni"

"Oh.... anyway, do what I did, I saw potential and I took advantage and said it right out"

"What did you say?"

"I love shinni, so I told her"

"So I should fo that?"

"Not right now, give it some time and maybe signs will show that she like you back"

"Your right"

"Hehe small brother saving the day" I chuckled as we both got out of the car.

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