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I watched karai from afar. Shes standing with Zordoz. She looked paler than usual, even with her makeup. Zordoz rubbed against her leg.

I raised an eyebrow as she began to smoke. "Nobody told me she smoked" I said.

"Yea... she rarely does." Shinni said sighing.

"So why does she?" Mikey asked.

"Leo go find out" mona April said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You two are growing close" donnie said.

"You totally have the hots for her" Ralph said. I shot a glare at mikey.

"Don't blame him, it's pretty obvious" mona said.

"But karai-" April cut shinni of.

"Don't shinni  let karai say it for herself" April said.  I turned back to karai.

A boy was talking to her. I felt jealousy flow threw me. "Who's he?" I asked.

Shinni giggled. "The most populist guy in school, if people knew you guys were a kpop band everyone would go after you"

The guy moved forward to kiss karai but... YES!!! she moved and grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the wall.

"OHHHHH!!!!" everyone around her said. Zordoz began to bark.

"..." my brothers and the girls stayed silent.

Karai walked towards us with a smirk.

"What ya looking at?" Karai said to me. I blushed and looked away.

"OMG!!! ITS BTS!!!" (Pretend theres only four in bts and its Leo, Ralph, donnie and mikey) the girls squealed.

"Oh God..." I whispered.

"YOU WANT YOUR FACE IN THE WALL TO!?" karai yelled. The girls gulped and ran away.

"Everyones scared of you now" mikey said.

"Then they'll know not to mess with something that belongs to me" karai said.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon" she said winking.

"Just tell us already!!" Shinni said.

"Nahhh" karai said walking away.

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