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I sat with zordoz. "Karai play a song" April said as zordoz layed on my legs.

Leo shot me a glare. "What?" I asked smirking.

"Your really trying to piss me off huh?" He asked with annoyance.

"Oh, this is your song?" I asked acting innocent.

He rolled his eyes. I giggled.

"Leo" I called.

"What?" He asked.

"Let's do a tiktok!"


"Zordoz, bite him"

"Okay, okay fine"

"Yes" I pulled Leo towards me.

(If you go onto tik tok if you have it and go onto @akrcos and then go onto her
Shinsou and neitomonoma video, Akira is neitomonoma and Leo is shi shinsou)

"What are you a cos player?" Leo asked me.

"Yes" I said adding a caption.

"What the fuck is that?" Raloh asked.

"I'll show you" April said grabbing Leo's phone.

"What?" I asked looking up.

"Duet this" April whispered.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!!" I yelled.

"Eh, so" karai grabbed a bakugou wig and put it on Leo.

Shinni covered my eyes. "OI LET ME SEE!!!" I yelled.

"Done" Leo said. Shinni took her hands off me.

Suddenly I got a notification. I tapped it.

My eyes widened, my jaw dropped.

"OPT!!" mona, shinni and April yelled.

(So go back on @akrcos and go onto her bakugou and deku duet with @scrapgoat.cos.)

I squealed. "Funny thing I ship the two" I said. Leo and his brothers bursted into laughter.

"Funny thing, you have a lot of followers" mona said.

I giggled.

"Is karai the only cos player out of the girls?" Donnie asked.

"Shes the only one for the job fool" mikey said.

"Oh my God, everyone is shipping low and karai" mona said.

"I ship me and my dog better then me and leo" I said.

Leo scoffed. "Ow" he said.

"Okay enough, let's do a challenge, everyone has to do handstand, one handed lets see who lasts" April said standing up.

I pushed Zordoz of my and put my phone down. I stood up.

"Ima win" I said.

Ralph smirked. "In your dreams" he said.

We all went into a one handed handstand.

Donnie was the first to go, then April, shinni, Ralph, mona... only me, mikey and Leo were left.

Suddenly mikey lost his balance and fell on me.

I cried in pain. Shinni ran to me. "I'm fine" I said. Leo got down. Zordoz ran to me and kicked my injured hand.

I glared at mikey. "Sorry..." he said, he resived a slap at the back of the head from Leo.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"I still won" I mumbled. Leo rolled his eyes.

Shinni helped me up and passed zordoz to me.

"Okay, karai your not going home alone" shinni said.

"Yes I am" I said walking to my bag.

Leo grabbed it for me. "Nope, im droppong you off home" he said.

"I'm not a baby" I said.

"Stop being stubborn and let's go" he said walking away.

I groaned and followed him.

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