Chapter 2 - Status check

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In Front, a large amount of green, a large forest stretching into the horizon the trees appeared like a green fog as they faded off into the horizon.

Below more trees, approaching fast.




The falling human tore large gashes through the thick roots of the giant trees as if they weren't there, leaving a path of destruction all the way to the surface.

Crashing into the ground with a heavy *Thump!!* that knocked all the air out of his lungs.

Breathlessly he could only utter a quiet " ... Ouch"

The sudden blow to his head brought back memories of his grandfather. "It's never good to tamper with someone's magic, especially if it's going to be used on you." It was one of the many lessons his grandfather taught. Although if memory serves him right, the original lesson had a lot more cursing and beatings.

Truthfully it was a miracle that the only mistake was how high he was teleported and he gave the gods of chance a silent thank you for their help. If the goddesses magic had been any more complex than who knew what could have happened.

Sometimes it's better to take a lightning strike head-on than to chance it and turn it into a world-ending storm. He mused to himself, promising to not mess with another's magic again. At least not until I know how it works. He added quickly to ensure a loophole remained, just in case.

Looking over his limbs and tugging at his clothes he checked for tears. Apart from some small holes on his pants, he looked uninjured. The trees slowed the fall down enough to leave only a light outline where he landed

All in all, I would consider this a successful landing.

Placing his backpack on the ground he began mumbling to himself for each item he removed.

"Cap, Hoodie, spare clothes, Couple of water bottles, Lunch and snacks, A towel, Umbrella, and a First aid kit, not that I've ever needed one."

All the essentials for hitchhiking

Next, a small knife, sadly too small to be useful in combat and a Ferro rod intended for campfires. He couldn't recall if any of those fires he started could be considered campfires through.

Finally, what is likely the most important items in the bag, Japanese language books. There is also some makeup which caused him to pause in thought.

If the magic that 'goddess' displayed is anything to go by, I won't have to worry about being found out if I use a small amount of energy to hide the markings. Not needing to wear makeup is one positive of today I suppose. Letting out a happy sigh, he had almost lightened his mood, until.

"Aww come on!"

Holding up his phone there was a large crack across the screen, frowning he pressed the power button. Luckily it powered up and apart from the new permanent line splitting the screen, the phone functioned fine. To go with the phone he also had a pair of headphones resting around his neck. Miraculously they were undamaged from the fall.

Powering the phone isn't an issue. When he was younger one of his many cousins taught him a method to charge his phone by using the same energy used to hide his tattoos. Many a phone was lost before he could channel the energy properly but it was a skill well worth the sacrifice, though the phones' owners may have disagreed.

No internet but I've got a good amount of songs saved so at least it won't be boring silence.

Ensuring his bag was completely empty and every item counted, he repacked while planning what to do next.

Supplies should last a few days so I need to find a way to resupply by then, the best bet is finding civilization

"Best get moving" he stated in a monotone matter of fact voice, knowing how much this could suck.

Putting on his headphones and closing his eyes, he spun in a circle. "One... Two... Three.. Four... Five" Walking in whatever direction he landed.

It wasn't the best plan but it beat sitting around and starving to death.

Two hours had passed, in the old world it would be nearing noon, here the tree canopy was thick blocking out the sky and letting only a few gold white rays between the leaves. These rays were further blocked by the giant roots of the oldest trees, many of which are as thick as the younger trees of the forest. The shade gave the forest floor a dark morning like light making it difficult for one to find a stable footing, as roots of the many trees rampage through and around each other forming an impossible maze of which to travel.

If there was anyone in the forest they would be surprised to see a man lazily saunter through the untamed forest unhindered by the uneven terrain, eating a sandwich. There were few signs of life, since he started walking not one person or land animal was seen. Only the light fluttering of birds wings could be heard as a few curious birds flew down from the canopy to watch this new creature in their territory.

One small falcon was braver than the rest. Hopping from root to root before landing on a giant root close to the forest floor, much closer than the other birds.

Much closer in this case still being more than 15 meters off the ground.

Spotting this bird the man stopped his saunter and called out. "Hey little bird, little bird. Can you hear me?"

The falcon tilted its head curiously but did not respond.

"Little bird I am new to this forest and do not know my way, which way should I go to find more people who look like me?"

"Why should I tell you?" The falcon replied proudly.

"If you do I will give you the other half of my sandwich."

*kak* Eyeing the bread the falcon's composure wavered, a free meal should never be ignored. "And if I don't?" trying to maintain what is left of his prideful attitude.

"Well little bird I'm afraid I do not have much food left and if I do not find people soon I will have to hunt to survive. I have yet to see any food down here... only little bird"

Although the falcon knew he could fly away, there was something about how this creature looked him in the eyes that made him feel as if he was not lying and had some way of catching the birds. The falcon instinctively hopped back.

Choosing between death and a free meal the falcon wisely chose the latter.

"I accept" The falcon sat silently awaiting its treat.

"Well, which direction do I go?"

"You go north" It replied licking its non-existent lips.

"And which way is north little bird?"

Lifting his right wing to indicate north the falcon kept its eyes glued to the sandwich. "That way"

"Thank you very much little bird, here as promised enjoy your meal"

Throwing the sandwich up it reached eye level of the falcon who darted out catching the sandwich mid air.

If he can throw this high then he could have hit me with ease! Thought the falcon quickly flying to higher ground, hopefully out of reach of the human. I better tell the protectors about this creature... after my meal.

Seeing the falcon leave the human carried on his journey following the falcons directions.

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