Chapter 13 - Introductions

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The group were prepared for a nice quiet breakfast but sadly this was not to be. As they ate, joyously devouring the delicious food the door to the inn opened. Amidst the gasping of the waitresses, a flutter of wings could be heard. Goras was the first to notice the man enter, Kaiho was the second but it was not the man that he cared about.

"Little bird!" He called out happily, going so far as to wave to the falcon resting on the man's shoulder. "Want some bacon?" Kaiho called out in a tongue the bird would understand.

Kak? The Falcon and the person whose shoulder he was perched on exchanged a surprised look. The man placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and approached slowly.

"Kaiho-san, please be respectful he is a guardian" Shinoko whispered. She was unsure about what language he just spoke but she was sure he is speaking rudely like he always does.

The guardian was slowly drawing his sword, preparing for a fight. His companion falcon had its wings stretched, ready to strike if need be.

"I'm talking to the bird, not the man." He replied. "I've got food now you are perfectly safe."

As quick as lightning the falcon dashed from the guardian's shoulder. Landing on the table, greedily gobbling up the offered bacon with a happy *kek kek*. At the sight of his trusted companion losing composure over a piece of bacon, the Guardian stopped moving forward, confused with the scene.

"So you are the fabled monster of the forest that my companion was talking about?" The Guardian spoke up.

"Yeah, that's me, the monster necromancer." Kaiho replied throwing another piece of bacon into the Falcons awaiting beak.

"Kaiho-san don't be rude." She said while simultaneously kicking him lightly in the shin. "Please forgive my companion sir"

At hearing the word 'companion' the guardian slid his blade back into its sheath and took on a friendlier posture. "Oh no it is quite alright, it is I who should be apologizing." Delivering a bow to Shinoko he continued. "I was assigned as an escort to help guide you here to Ylenatan and I am sorry that I failed to do so."

"And where were you?" Kaiho asked, receiving another kick to the shins for his rudeness.

"Reports of new monsters started coming in from all over the forest and we went to investigate."

"New monsters. Different to the undead?" Goras asked inquisitively, worried about the future troubles this information could bring.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. We found damage from some kind of battle, large swaths of trees were damaged and gashes were torn through their roots. Before we could properly discover what happened my companion came with a report of a humanoid monster. He described this monster as large, brown-skinned, draped in dark clothing and spoke the tongue of beasts."

The group looked towards Kaiho, who quietly poked at his food. There was no one else who fit this description.

"Who would have thought that one of the 'monsters' would arrive in town and before us no less."

"What is so surprising about Kaiho being here before you?" Shinoko asked.

"The reported location at the time and the damaged trees were six days away. Most Guardians can cover that distance in three and I am under the understanding that you all arrived here yesterday."

The guardian was talking kindly but his voice had a hidden accusatory tone. As if he knew more than he was willing to say. Everyone noticed his tone and went quiet, except for Kaiho who was busying himself with his food and petting the falcon, trying his best to keep a face of indifference.

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