Chapter 11 - Visit to the doctor

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As soon as the captain was gone the soldiers broke formation and an impromptu medical camp was set up, various guards came forward to help mend the injured citizens or go get help. Thankfully none of the Wood-elves were gravely injured and everyone was fairly stable for the time being.

Unable to put Hanami down Kaiho couldn't help like everyone else. Instead of wrapping bandages and sewing wounds, he followed the medics and described exactly where he hit each person along with the injuries they were most likely to have. This was a great help for the unconscious patients but a tad uncomfortable for the conscious ones. One even felt tears welling up when Kaiho prescribed him with a case of "Double elbows".

Within the hour almost everyone with small injuries were taken care of, in time for the village doctor to arrive carrying the many medical items needed for the more seriously injured. Accompanying the doctor was a group of apprentices and the tantrum having captain, waving his hands fervently and speaking to the doctor.

"/He doesn't seem like a necromancer to me./" The doctor said plainly.

He was carrying a large crate of medical supplies roughly the size of himself, only his wrinkled face could be seen above the crate. This doctor was an old elf, older than Goras. His hair was greying, his skin was losing its golden lustre and his defining feature was his long white beard draped over the crate he carried.

"/He has got to be. Look at what he's wearing and how else would he have gotten into the forest if not for using a cursed gateway?/" The captain, Hanami's brother argued.

"/Hoho. And if he were a necromancer then where is his undead horde hmm? There are many people here but all their hearts still beat no?/"

"/Grampa Jumpo!/" Hanami called out from her place on Kaiho's back, her head resting on his shoulder.

"/Looks more like a two-headed monster to me Edan, now go and be useful./" The old doctor giggled, leaving the captain to trot off angrily.

"/Hello there human, the child here says that you are a necromancer. Is this true?/" He asked in a joking tone.

"Sadly not grampa, though if you are offering to teach, I would take you up on it"

"/Haha, Good, good./" Jumpo replied with a smile. As he noticed the cuts on Kaiho's body this smile faded slightly. "/Would it be okay for me to take a look?/"

With Kaiho's permission, Grampa Jumpo inspected him humming and hawing at every wound. Kaiho had numerous small cuts and nicks all over his body but nothing of real consequence. The only serious injuries was the arrow wound in his leg and his nose, which started bleeding again after Hanami's second outburst.

"/These injuries seem quite serious would you mind putting Hanami down so we can fix you up?/" Jumpo asked, reaching for various vials and medicines from the crate he bought with him.

"Sorry, you have to take care of Hanami first." Kaiho replied, kneeling down to let Grampa Jumpo inspect her as well.

"/hmm? And why is that?/" Grampa Jumpo shuffled closer placing his face near Hanami's, causing her to giggle.

"/Oh dear oh dear./" He tutted. "/Both of you are in quite a serious condition, please come with me./"

Grampa Jumpo instructed his apprentices to take care of the others, citing that they were skilled enough to handle any issue here, but if they needed help to come and get him. Once the orders were sent out he led Kaiho to his clinic in town.

Kento'rel and Captain Edan were both standing at the gates waiting for Grampa Jumpo's approach. Kento'rel had his usual angry look but Edan wore a smug grin as he strolled in front blocking access to the city.

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