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After the Library incident, Levi has been constantly watching Eren at school. Sneeking gazes at him in the hallways, at lunch and gym.

Hanji caught him in the act and didn't stop annoying him with questions until he told her. Few weeks later, He found himself change his screen saver to Eren's picture.

Levi blushed looking at his phone. "What the fuck am I doing?" He hid it before anyone would notice,unfortunately Hanji got a small peek and smirked.

"Ooooh...Levi, thats a cute picture of Eren~"Hanji teased.

the picture was of eren floating on water. It was honestly adorable, his face looked peaceful and free. Like he could stay like that all the time.

Levi glared and flicked her off. Hanji laughed and Erwin just chuckles. Fucking shitty glasses can't keep off peoples business.Tch. I look from shitty glasses to the brunette from across the cafetria.

He was laughing with Arlert whilest Potato girl said something, and somehow that made him bright red and I see him shyly glanced at our table and stopping when his gaze is on me.

I smirk and wink. Eren turning more red if possible and hides his face in his hands. I chuckle and drink my tea.

For some reason, I've taken more of my time thinking of him instead of petra. I was planning on asker her out today, but now I'm not sure anymore.

I still like her..But dont? Levi sighs. This is confusing as shit. Hearing the bell he cleans himself off some before going to class.

--------------------Timeskip cause Im lazy-----------------------

Levi groans silently as Petra constantly talks and clings to him as they walk down to his locker.

Ugh, ok now I get why kasa hates her now. He looks over and sees her staring at him with lust. He tch and rolls his eyes, ever since then he grew annoyed of the red head and think of how he was an idiot to liking her.

"alright petra you can let go now"I say, opening my locker. But she doesnt budge.

She pouts and gives me those eyes. Thinking I'll bend to her will like before,

'honestly, Eren does it better' he thought.

"but levi~ We don't have class anymore. Why dont we go to my house and hang out" she perks, grining.

Levi shooks his head. "I got homework to do, so do you." he says for a fact, stuffing a book in his bag and shutting his locker.

she lets out a 'fine' and finally lossens her grip. I took that time to tug my arm off and grip my bag and walk off.

Finally. Thought shed never let go of my arm. Now I'm seeing why mikasa glares at her, she kept on winking to guys she saw when we walked down the hallway.

Groaning. Thank fuck I didn't continie to ask her out, cause I bet that would be worse than spilling my tea on my jacket.


"I'm home"

Levi called out his arrival as he shuts the door to his home.

His mother smiles and greets him back, levi kissed her cheek before walking inside the living room to freeze at the person infront of him.

"Well, I see the midget is still as short as ever" The voice said.

Levi swore under his breath. "what the fuck are you doing here?" he spits.

The man chuckles."Cant I visit my favorite midget and the rest of the family? "

Levi groans. "Kenny I swear to satan I will punch you for calling me midget again"

Kenny laughs. God. Why did he have to visit now, bet another loan is his goal.

"now now my boy, I just came to say that your aunt is having another bean"

Levi's eyes widen."what!" he shouts. "your not serious!" kenny smiles and shakes his head, grabbing his phone and showing a picture of his aunt with a bump in her stomach.

Levi grins and looks at her in awe. "well I'll be damn, how many will it take to calm you down old man"

He snickers as he got a light wack on the head. "I'm not old, I'm only 46. And this ones just the second, or third if their twins. "kenny thinks but shrugs.

I laugh. "alright, Whatever call me when dinners ready I got some homework to do. Tell Aunty I said hi and this time name that next one after me!" I joke at the end. And hear my mother giggling in the kitchen.

Their first baby they named after both of them, and he was a bastard of a toddler. but a mischief brat like his father. Now that their expecting another one or more, I want it to be named after me. Cause like duh, I'm more of a baby's favorite role model.

(oh god no... A/N)

Eren's POV

I sighed as I hung up my apron and said goodbye to my co-worker. My shift was over and I was allowed to go and so I did.

Eren headed out the back of the Diner and decided to go for a walk. While he was looking at his phone, he bumped into someone and heard a thud.

He looked down and jumped at who it was.

"uh...gonna help me up or what?"

Eren groaned. But helped the girl up. She giggled and hugged him. hugging her back eren and the girl went to a near cafe and hung out there until dark.


To be continued...😍

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