Raphjack || Honest comforts ||

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Description :

When Applejack decides to clean the barn and finds a sulking red masked turtle hiding behind a pile of hay which doesn't make any sense at all of how he manages to hide his massive figure from the public view

TMNT 2014/2016


Sometimes Applejack found it hard to live in a farm house in a city; well, not really in the middle of the New York city but it did count as she lived at the edge of the city landscape though, with apple farm as a living source. She liked to stay out of the busy Manhattans and just relaxed in her place but every morning she had to help her big brother sending buckets of apples to stores and markets.

Not that she complaints, but it annoyed her occasionally whenever some random city's girls threw judging looks at her. Applejack supposed it was because how often she got herself dirty with dust and sometimes with oil because of repairing her family's truck that kept getting itself broke down by the street. Then there was Applebloom, trying her best to adapt to the city's life in school she just moved in; only to come back home with tears in her eyes and whined of how often she was bullied at school.

Applejack really still can't believe she and her family moved there just to gain more balance living source. 'Course, she went back to Canterlot High sometimes but her schedules of working and schooling in the new school just getting busier and Pinkie had started complaining how rare she would see Applejack in the present. Applejack wished she could spend more times with her friends. But then again, Granny Smith had mentioned about moving back but only if they've enough money to keep going on with the old life and worked as usual in their old place. Applejack couldn't wait for that moment.

The sun was setting down, creating a mix of red, yellow and pink colour on the horizon that clearly had taken Applejack's breath away as the young cowgirl stared at the setting down sun until it all getting darker. She had just finished having dinner with her family when she took one look at the barn and froze at the low level of its hygiene, even from the outside.

" 'Alright, even if it's dark and everything, 'ah can't stand seeing how dirty our barn is!" Applejack said in her country accent as she took some cleaning equipments and readied to head out.

" Why can't you just do it tomorrow? We all wake before sun comes up!" Applebloom spoke, resting her head in her hands on the dining table.

" I'll just clean the horses' and chickens' place and clear off  the dusts in the barn, " the blond haired teenager said, putting the cleaning equipments in a cart and now pulling them to the door, " I'll be in my room in an hour, if I manage."

" You sounds like Rarity. Now I think she's rubbed some of her OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ) thing on you, " Applebloom's comment made Applejack chuckled

" Guess she did."

Good think they had lights in the barn, making Applejack's work easier as she switched them on to reveal the messy condition in the barn. She clinched at the nasty smell and wondered when did the last time the barn was cleaned. She grabbed the broom and started working.

After cleaning the chicken's place, sweeping some needles of hays on the floor, prepared a new water supplies to the horses, gave a light pet on one of the horses they had, which went with the name Blackjack, Applejack sat on one of the squared hays and wiped the sweats off her forehead. Only a few quarters of the barn was cleaned but it looked neat enough and the nasty smell had gone.

She looked down to her appearance; totally smothered with dust and she had not idea where the black oil spot on her sleeve came from. She felt relieved to see the barn looked quite clean but something didn't feel right.

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