RaphJack || Approval ||

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Description :

Raphael and Applejack has been a lover for at least 4 months. Everything seems fine for both of them...but the next thing Raph knows, he is about to meet his girlfriend's family.

TMNT 2012/2019


Raphael felt nervous. Which was so unlike him.

The only time he felt such nervousness was the time he asked Applejack to be his girlfriend. It was supposed to be a sort of happiest moment in his life to be with the girl he liked but when you wanted to ask a girl to be your lover, it ain't that easy. Not when all you did was stuttering, face as red as a tomato, trying to ask the girl you liked to be your girlfriend but it came out as ' Will U bee mayonese geerr fred' and your brothers on the background,  hiding from the view, did facepalms.

Good thing Applejack made a move first; Raph didn't know how ridiculous he could be more back there. Now, with the cowgirl pulling his arm towards her home location, the nervous feeling came back.

Meeting his girlfriend's family at night time wasn't really an ideal kind of time but he couldn't risked of letting himself spotted easily under the sunlight by people. Night time sounded better, with less people on the street and dark surrounding that made it easier for Raph to move here and there.

" Don't worry, Raph," Applejack said, turning her head to look at her boyfriend, " they'll like you!"

" How did they found out about my existence again?" Raph asked, his voice sounded like he just swallowed a gas of helium.

" Er -- it was my fault, actually. I had a picture of me and you as the background picture. Shoulda' have change my phone's wallpaper before lent it to my little sister..."

" You set a picture of us as your wallpaper?"

Applejack blushed and avoided an eye contact with Raph, " Is that wrong?"

In keeping his existence a secret? Yeah.

In proving she really like him? Nah.

Raph couldn't help but smiled; he was quite glad she did that, really. But his smile dropped when they both stopped walking near a house with a red barn beside it and quite a number of apple trees planted around and he knew instantly that they had arrived.

" We're 'ere," and by the sound of her voice and pale face, Raph figured out Applejack was nervous as well.

" Hey, " the red masked turtle grabbed the girl's hand, " just so you know, if your family hates me, I will still like you."

Applejack carved a faint smile on her face, " Funny, how I thought the same thing when we wanted to tell your family about us being together," her grip on Raph's hand became tighter, " they won't hate you, Raph."

" How come you're so sure?"

" I don't. "

" Wow, very comforting," Raph said sarcastically and Applejack let out a short but amused chuckle.

Taking deep breath, both of them walked into the front yard until they arrived on the front door. Raph glanced at Applejack, his breath became heavier every second passed with anxiety.

" All right," muttered Applejack, " 'ere goes nothing..."

Things going to be just fine

Before her hand could even reached the doorknob, the door opened to reveal a girl, looked like twelve years old, with red hair and yellow golden eyes standing at the doorway. Her eyes widened at the sight of Applejack but they became bigger to the point Raph thought they were going to pop out from the socket when she saw Raph himself.

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