Knockrity || Something in common ||

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A/n: I have no idea what their ship name is😂😂

Description :

Rarity could not believe how unfortunate she is when she got kidnapped by giant robots -- and they all have bad taste in fashion! Ew! Well -- Except -- maybe one...


Requested by @whythefukulin


" Why is everything looks so dark and gloom?! What's with the black and purple colour?! That is soooo out of season! Ew! Grey and red? Excuse me, sir, you need to have a better taste in fashion if you want to conquer the world!"

Ah -- Wait, maybe it was the Decepticons who felt how unfortunate they were to kidnap a whining diva just because they had seen her hanging out with one of the Autobots' pets. Sure, this is one was pretty, with curly long blueish purple(?) hair, diamond hairclips and matching clothes and boots but she was a pain in the aft.

" Would you be quiet?!" Megatron hissed down towards the girl in his clutch.

Honestly, Rarity just did those on purpose. Yeah, it wasn't so wise and she could get killed but she just hoped her luck wouldn't be so bad.

" Only if you would let go of me," Rarity did her best puppy eyes, crafting a fake friendly smile though her hands were shaking badly by her side.

Megatron grinned with a hint of amusement, " As if I would, puny human. Not until you give us the information about the Autobots."

There we go again, all with the Decepticons conclusion; Oh, you're hanging out with Jack/Miko/Raf? Good! You must know about the Autobots then! Let's kidnap you!

" For the last time, " groaned Rarity, " I don't know who are these Autobots!"

Again, the grey mech did not believe her; he continued to march through the dark hallway with Rarity clutched in his servos until they reached a metal door. As it slides opened, Rarity saw another presences of the cons. And it seemed that only these two looked much more colourful; one was big and bulky, with blue and orange colour and Rarity grimaced slightly at how blue and orange didn't exactly matched.

The next one was all cherry red and Rarity had to admit that this one -- looked entirely much more acceptable. He was shorter than the bulky robot and everything about him coloured in red even his optics. His finish also amazed Rarity as it looked shiner and cleaner than the rest of the giant robots she had met so far.

" Knockout, Breakdown, " Megatron said, " I have an important task for you."

" What is it, my lord?" The red one asked, slightly bowing. His optics landed on Rarity and they went wide for a seconds before turned to normal.

" This is one of the Autobots' pets; keep it and don't let it get away. Also, try to gain any information from it either willingly or forcefully. Don't eliminate her, though. " He gave Rarity a twisted grin, in which she cowered down slightly in fear.

" We will not fail you, lord Megatron," Breakdown nodded as the Decepticons' leader picked Rarity by the collar of her shirt and dropped her down onto Knockout's opened servos. Within seconds, the warlord turned and left.

" Well," Knockout looked down at Rarity, clutching her, " looks like we got ourselves a new toy, Breakdown."

Breakdown peered closer down to Rarity before retreated with a crunching expression, " Urgh, this one smells funny."

" Excuse me?!" Offended, Rarity glared up at the orange coloured face mech, " Why, I may be your prisoner but I will not tolerate with your attitude!"

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