PicsArt pictures

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I love editing pictures sometimes.
Mostly to do book covers.
Which the story would never finished😂😢😅


I also love quotes with pictures.
Pick the one you like the most!😃

Pick the one you like the most!😃

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Still practicing editing picture, so please excuse the errors in them😅😣

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Still practicing editing picture, so please excuse the errors in them😅😣

Also! I keep finding myself doing book covers...Help me! 😂😅😣

I am not sure I will do any of the books below though...

What if our cowgirl Applejack goes to New York City, meets the turtles and then discovers her parents death also linked with April's father death?

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What if our cowgirl Applejack goes to New York City, meets the turtles and then discovers her parents death also linked with April's father death?

" My parents..." Applejack swayed, her knees buckled and Raphael caught her just in time as she continued, "...were murdered?"



Twilight Sparkle has always been smart, yes, but careful? Hmm, not really

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Twilight Sparkle has always been smart, yes, but careful? Hmm, not really. So when she accidentally activates a portal to another dimension, which is not to Canterlot High, she discovers various kind of things.

Donatello has always been the brain among his brothers but that still doesn't stop him from being clumsy. So when he accidentally reveals himself to a peculiar looking girl, he discovers magic does exist.

" Look at the stars, find the purple one and you will find me there."

I like DonLight's cover the most for now.

You know what I kinda like to do to you readers?

Give you a cookie.
Then say it is poisoned.
Oh, don't worry! I have the antidote, here, drink this!
Oops, the drink is also poisoned!
With what?

Overwhelming unexpected sadness

Funny, I dislike sad endings myself.😂😅

Like thisss...

[ Fantasy AU ]

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[ Fantasy AU ]

The broken war has left Leonardo with no vision, no family, all alone by himself. He lives on his own, avoiding people so no more scars would be added in his life. He is like an old picture with a broken frame.

And then she comes into his life, her shy and timid characteristics which hide her surprising boldness like a tiger hiding its claws just draws the broken turtle to know her more. Does Fluttershy's attendance in Leo's life will heal him or just add another scar?

Scratch the poisoned drink, I would give you a cookie and then stab you with a knife.


Ehem, sorry.

[ Fantasy AU ]

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[ Fantasy AU ]

The broken war has changed our orange masked turtle from friendly and happy boy into a cold hearted man. Michaelangelo, learning how cruel the world can be, lives on his own, trying to survive without his family has learned to never trust any living souls excepts for himself.

And thus, comes Pinkie Pie. What started with the girl offering Mikey orange cupcakes turns 360° into a friendship unexpectedly. Then Mikey finds himself falling head over heels for the girl. Will he accepts or rejects it, not knowing Pinkie's feeling is mutual as his?

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