DonLight || Curiosity||

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Description :

While having a Summer vacation in New York City, Sci-Twilight Sparkle sneaks out at night when she spots something moving on the rooftop. The next thing she knows, she is in danger and Donatello has no other choice but to save her and reveal his existence.

>> Set before the Friendship Games <<

>> Set after the first movie of TMNT and before the Out Of Shadows <<

TMNT 2014/2016


Twilight often stayed up late for various kind reasons; homework, researchers, doing experiments, taking care of sick Spike and many more.

This time was quite different as it was because of a moving figure across the rooftop near the building she was in.

It started quite simple; she went to New York City with her brother and parents as their Summer vacation location. After an exhausting day, they went back to their hotel and decided to rest. Feeling quite embarrassed to share the same room with their parents, Twilight and Shining Armor got themselves one room each and now it was past midnight when Twilight decided to go to sleep and spotted the sudden moving figure across the building she was in.

She had heard of rumours of ninja mutant in the city but she wouldn't believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Right there, she did.

Her half working experiment that looked like a pendant, only bigger and in round shape, laid on her table with the blueprints and the room's key. Quickly wearing a jacket over her blue T-shirt and boots with her slack pant, Twilight grabbed the key's room and sneaked out, careful not to make too much noise that would woke her parents and her brother.

The teenager girl ran out of the hotel building, her eyes never left the moving figure. She started to run across the streets, her phone was in her grip, ready to take any pictures of the mysterious moving figure.

Twilight had never really been good in sport, not really. So even only running like that for a few minutes already made her soaked in sweats. The moving figure jumped on a building -- then disappeared. Huffing, Twilight paused on her track. She jogged closer to the building, saw the fire escape staircase and began to climb. Another quarter of hour was spent of her trying her best to get to the rooftop.

Curiousity killed the cat

But satisfaction brought it back

No one was there; only an air vent and pigeons on the rooftop. Twilight looked around tiredly, blood rushing through her vein as she panted heavily. She started to slowly look around, walking around the rooftop quietly, excitement flooded inside her. The pigeons looked at Twilight with confusion looks, tilting their heads slightly as they watched the girl turned on the flashlight of her phone.

Another minute spent and still nothing happened. Finally, thinking the  figure had gone away, Twilight sighed in disappointment and turned to leave. As she was bending down to get to the staircase, she slipped.

" Kyaa!" was all she uttered as she felt air rushing past her like a bullet, time seemed to stop and her body began to fall --

A pair of hands grabbed her waist, pulled her up, and Twilight turned around to find herself facing a twelve foot tall, armed with gadgets and gears, still had his hands around her, mutant turtle.

Voice stuck in her throat, Twilight stared at the turtle with wide eyes and an opened mouth, which let out a strangle choking kind of sound after a few seconds.

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