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Kiyoung and Jieun followed Jennie into her apartment. she picked up her cracked phone from last night and tried cleaning up the mess. but they insisted she do so because they were in a rush to go somewhere.

"Jennie?" Jieun said while looking at her to face her. her voice ringed inside of Jennie's ear and quickly came to conclusion about her being the girl that rejected the guy that one night. 'that's right'

"yes?" she replied back while holding a broom stick and trash picker on her hand. 

Jieun smiled, "Kiyoung told me about you, he said you were a good friend of him."

'a good friend' she repeated the term inside of her head before looking over to Kiyoung, "that's right, we're only just good friends" she forced an ok smile afterward.

Jieun smiled back, knowing Jennie was telling the truth. just then he approached Jieun from the back with a open hand behind her. "Jennie, this is Jieun, she's the woman that I'm going to marry" he said with a sudden crack of his voice and his hand formed into a fist behind her. he was in his role play.

"you guys are getting marry?" Jennie asked with a hesitation of not wanting to know but was also making sure. "yes" Kiyoung said from the lies of his throat. he was in guilt for lying about it.

suddenly, Jennie felt the feelings of being used, step over, and burden. she thought about it, if Kiyoung was going to marry her than when Jieun rejected that guy from that night, Kiyoung was the guy who have already asked her. holding her fist in despair, she blamed herself for being useless. 

Jennie turned her back onto them, heart breaks and regrets came out of her eyes and onto her cheeks before falling onto the floor. he held in his emotions tightly without spilling any just so Jieun wouldn't know about them.

"Jennie" Jieun said for the second time, gently touching her shoulder.

she turned back towards Jieun after quickly wiping her tears but it was obvious to both of them, "yes?" she respond for the second time.

"this is the wedding invitation, I hope you can come join us" she stated before going back to Kiyoung's side. he wrap his arms around her and Jennie quickly faked a smile, "yes, I'll come if i have time." she replied.

after a silence of moment, he let go of Jieun's arm, "can you give us some time? I need to talk to Jennie" he asked Jieun as if she was the owner of him, which makes Jennie nothing now.

"yes" she nicely reply and looked back onto Jennie before walking out of the apartment to wait on the railings for him. 

Jennie turned around from him as soon as she left the door. he walked over to her, not knowing how to face her of his guilt.


"you used me didn't you?" she asked with another set of tears as she was harshly gripping onto the invitation.

he sighed with honesty, "yes, I didn't want to marry Jieun because the marriage was only for a political purpose so-"

"you made me say yes into dating you..so that you can get out of it?" she finished his sentences.

he nodded 'yes' and made her feel even more miserable for not being cautious around him and even more regretful for knowing him. 

"then why are you still marrying her? why!" she asked pushing him back with her a raised of her eyebrows, "did it work!?" she yelled from resentment.

through her push, he stumble back a couple of steps before zooming out on her to find an answer, "afterward, my father got hospitalize and this became the only choice I have" he replied.

WAVES OF LOVE ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now