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"your dad and me were very good friends" Jennie's father said across the dinning table to Jungkook, who was half way eating a beef ribs off of his plate. 

taken by surprise, Jungkook paused everything just to look at him on what he have just mention. 

"we loved each other a lot, we shared one drinks, ate one bowl of rice, and even lived together for our college year" he began explaining to Jungkook on why he asked about his father earlier.

"my father? he never told me about that" Jungkook insisted and went back to finish the food on his plate while Jennie and her mother listens.

"yes, we had a problem that's why." this phrase made Jungkook look up once again, "what problem?" he asked in return, now wanting to know. her father sighed for a long minute before talking.

"we both loved business so we took classes together for it, one time we even promise of wanting to do our own business together but it changed over the year of us graduating." he paused too look at his wife.

"after we finished college, I married Jennie's mother and moved over seas because her parents were from over there. due to this, your father thinks of it as me breaking the promises we made so he was really mad at me. that's when I lost contacts with him." he made it short so they would understand.

Jungkook wanted to jump in with questions but it was the past, it wouldn't make a differences as he know that now, his family was way much more lower than Jennie's.

"I felt really bad that I have to live overseas and leave your father hanging in building his own business. I still can feel his anger through me but he was a person who talked nicely in every way, even when he was mad" he looked over at Jungkook before putting his hand on the side of his shoulder.

"the past is the past, we shouldn't hold onto something that hurts us but instead leave it and move on" Jungkook responded with a smile, "things happen unexpectedly in life and we just have to prepare to get through it, even when it hurts other or hurt us." he said, which made her father feel a little bit better.

her mother interrupted their conversation, "aishh, the food is getting cold, if you want to talk, talk after dinner. the food is probably thinking they're a joke to us" she joked, wanting them to break some laughter. she did as they all chuckles along with her. 

after dinner, Jennie and Jungkook stayed side by side on the sink to wash the dishes while her parents gets comfortable on the sofa. the night sky falls on them as they both quickly wash the dishes. 

"do you think I'll get in?" Jungkook asked Jennie on the audition. she nodded, "hm! I have a feeling you well." she said loud and clear for him to hear through the running water on the sink.

".. what if I don't?" Jungkook joked with her. she didn't want to ruined the bright mood so she insisted on pretending not to know what he just asked. he smile followed by a laughs. she wasn't so good at hiding her sad emotions and it shows.

after they wiped their hand on the towel next to the sink, Jennie notice her parents standing in front of the door waiting for them. they had their suitcase and things packed up.

"mom, you guys are leaving already?" she sounded sad as she went into her mother's open arm.

she hugged her, "we have to go somewhere tomorrow and then after tomorrow, we are going back to New Zealand" she said to Jennie who was still holding onto her waist. her father came from the side and patted her head for her to be well and behave maturely. 

"I will miss you guys" she pouted like a baby with watery eyes. Jungkook walked over to her and her parents to say his farewell. 

"are you sure you don't want to come yet?" her mother asked Jennie as Jungkook looked over to her. his heart drops a little with the sudden question to her, 'was she planning to move oversea too? ' he thought to himself.

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