If You Love Someone

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Severus knew he was supposed to be enjoying himself, but he wasn't. Standing with his back against the wall near the entrance of the room, he watched the most unlikely group of wizards he'd ever witnessed ogle, hoot and toss coins at the witches on the raised platform.

It was amusing, but the performance could not hold his attention. He took a drink of Lucius' aged whisky and observed as his best friend, his godson, the Minister for Magic, Filius flipping Flitwick, and a motley crew of former students - just to name a few - enjoy the talents of two witches whom he was certain he'd taught at some point in his life.

Disturbing, he thought as Flitwick got a pat on top of the head and a kiss on the cheek from the blonde for what appeared to be an enormous tip. How can I possibly judge them considering...? That thought made him smile, just a little. He took another drink, his mind wandering to the near future and the upcoming events.

"Sir," a voice pulled him from his reverie.

"Potter. Why aren't you enjoying..." He looked back to the 'stage' and motioned with his glass. "... Coco and Gigi?"

"I believe they're names are Crystal and Misty, sir."

Snape shrugged.

"Can I talk to you alone for a moment?" Potter asked.

There was no point in putting this off; Severus had known it was coming. Frankly, he was shocked that the Boy Wonder had waited until the last minute. Then again, it was so like the other wizard to procrastinate when something unpleasant was involved. Nodding his head, he strode across the room, intent on finding the home's owner.

The new Malfoy Manor paled in comparison to its predecessor, but it was impressive nevertheless. This party was being held in the drawing room which looked nothing like the room in which Riddle had once held court; Narcissa had made sure of that when she remodeled the mansion. The Malfoy's had 'donated' their previous residence to the Ministry and it was now used as a care home for elderly witches and wizards.

Lucius was seated on an expensive fainting couch, a lovely (if overly Charmed) brunette draped across his left shoulder. "... wouldn't lie to you, my dear!"

Unless he's breathing. Or the sky's blue. Or pixies are still tiny little bastards...

"I was instrumental in the Dark Lord's downfall," Lucius lied smoothly.

"You were instrumental in saving your own arse, Lucy. I need the use of your library for ten minutes," Severus interrupted.

Standing quickly and steadily - though not even flinching at the nickname, thus proving that he was indeed drunk...ish - his old friend looked between Severus and Potter. "Oh! I see. Of course, Severus. You know the key to my wards."

"I also know that Cissy warned you to be on your best behaviour this evening," Snape reminded him.

"Just... chatting," the blond wizard defended. "I know to look but not touch! You'll understand that soon enough, old friend." He chuckled.

Snape ignored him and motioned for Potter to follow as he headed toward the long hallway that led to the Malfoy library.


Sitting across from The Boy Who Lived and Lived Again, Severus let him take his time. At least I'm out of the fray. He could almost - almost - thank the other wizard.

I wonder if he'll challenge me to a duel? Surely not, he's not that stupid... is he? Severus studied his former student. Oh, gods... he is.

Harry Potter was not very large, not tall or muscular. It seemed he'd stopped growing when he was about fifteen or so. This should have surprised Severus, it didn't, however. Neither Lily or James were small people but Snape had deduced long ago - sometime around the boy's fourth year - that poor diet and other abuses prior to his arrival at Hogwarts were likely the cause of his smaller stature. The same had been the case for Severus, of course, he simply couldn't gain weight. He was tall, at least - just over six feet - but not bulky. His witch had tried for years to fatten him up (her words), but it was impossible. It seemed that early childhood malnutrition was just another thing that he and the younger wizard had in common.

Severus Snape: OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now