CandiDATE 394 ;)

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"Ow! Ginny, that hurts you know." Hermione tried to pry the ginger-haired girl's hand off her forearm whilst trying to keep up with her brisk pace.

"Well, I wouldn't have to tug so hard if you'd just hurry up," Ginny said.

"I really don't see why I need to go..."

"And that's exactly why you must. Good, the line up isn't too long. C'mon."

Hermione sighed and allowed Ginny to drag her towards the staff table, where a line of giggling girls waited. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown were, of course, at the very front, their eyes shining as they fluffed their hair and applied yet another coat of sticky, clear lip gloss.

"You know I think this is stupid and superficial," she said, glaring at her peers.

Ginny finally released her grip. Turning to Hermione, she rolled her eyes and said, "That's the beauty of this program. You don't actually see the person you talk to; it's all through writing. That way, you get to know the personality of the person before dating them."

"But you and Dean are already dating. Why are you here?"

For just a moment, Ginny's smile seemed to falter. "Well... I'd like to see if Dean is a good match for me. I mean, he's quite good to snog, but I'm kind of over talking about Quidditch," she said, before her smile grew. "Anyway, it's all for a good cause, brightening up the mood in the castle after all this You-Know-Who business. Even the professors are getting into it."

Ginny nodded towards the table, and as Hermione followed her gaze, she saw Professor Flitwick jumping up and down, waving around five pieces of parchment. Behind him was Professor Snape, who didn't look as remotely pleased with having to participate in the event.

"I suppose..."

"Besides," Ginny pushed her forward in the line, "this will stop you from moping about my brother."

Hermione didn't have time to swat Ginny–she didn't care that Ron had the poor taste to date the precious Lav-Lav–as the girl pushed her to the table.

"Welcome to the Hogwarts Date-a-thon, where you can find your potential Romeo or Juliet this Valentine's Day," Romilda Vane said, a large grin on her face.

"Thanks! Hermione and I will try it," Ginny said.

Romilda nodded and shuffled through the pile of parchment in front of her. Pulling out a few pieces, she held them out towards them. "You each get five names; if you already have a significant other, they will automatically have been included. Replies will appear on these pieces, and your potential partners will have the twin set they coordinate with. Make sure you don't lose them as they cannot be replaced. Have fun and may you find your true love!"

Hermione raised an eyebrow, reminded strongly of Tom Riddle's diary or that Potions textbook Harry seemed to constantly pour over. Ginny didn't seem perturbed, however.

"What? It's school-sanctioned and completely safe. I wonder who you got; could be your Prince Charming in there," Ginny said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Rolling her eyes, Hermione stuffed the pieces of parchment into her book bag.

"About twenty minutes remaining. Remember, light circles with your wands–your intention is to change facial features, not to take out a fellow student's eye."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Professor Flitwick's words, not in the least bit surprised that her peers couldn't grasp the instructions in the first place. Ever since those stupid Valentine's letters had come out, they had been even more unfocused. Still, with the Charms professor trying simpler lessons, it mean that she could finish even earlier and get in some study time.

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