To Blossom

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Hermione had a bad feeling about the upcoming mission. She could feel it in her bones; something was going to go wrong.

It was supposed to be simple, just observation, but she'd seen the worry on Dumbledore's face before they'd left Grimmauld Place, and she knew that this wasn't going to be as simple as everyone had hoped.

Something was going to go wrong.

Before that thought had even finished in her mind, a flash of light burst out across the clearing, and a large crack sounded.

The sound of Apparition.

Within seconds, they were surrounded by people in silver masks and black hooded cloaks, and spells begun flying immediately. Sending a quick prayer up to the sky that they'd all make it out of this, Hermione left her cover and joined her comrades in the fight.


She fought, and she fought hard. Every time she thought she had a moment to breathe, to check herself for injuries she knew she had, another masked assailant descended on her, and she was forced to defend her life once more.

Hermione didn't understand how there were still so many of them. This wasn't their first battle, far from it, and yet every time, she was overwhelmed by the numbers of people willing to fight for the wishes of a mad man.

If Lord Voldemort could even be called a man.

A well placed stunning spell left her a moment to find a safe place to hide, to take shelter for a few minutes to assess herself and her ability to continue to fight. One thing that had always been stressed upon them before a mission was that it was better to withdraw than to put others in danger trying to fight when they could no longer do so.

She healed up her minor cuts, and put a mild numbing charm on her left shoulder, where she'd been hit with a piece of debris. She was okay. As she prepared to throw herself back into the battle, a quiet whimper caught her attention.

Frowning, she gripped her wand tightly in her hand and shifted deeper into the shadows behind the building which she'd taken cover behind. Leaning against the wall further down, was Severus Snape.

She dropped to her knees beside him, lighting the area as best she could without revealing their place.

"What happened?" she asked, looking him over for injuries. His trousers were torn badly, and she winced when she saw that his right leg was badly injured, the bone protruding from the skin.

His robes were all but burnt to ash, singed and threadbare. His left arm was bleeding heavily close to the top, and she unwound the scarf from her neck, tying it tightly to try and stem the bleeding. It didn't take long for the ochre wool to take on a new colour, soaked in blood.

She'd never been more glad for her naturally calm mind, because it helped to force the panic back and think clearly.

"Leave me," he hissed, trying to shake her off. He glared up at her. She ignored him, the pallor of his skin worrying her. He was always pale, but she'd never seen him quite this pale. "I can fix myself."

"My mother says I shouldn't entertain stupidity, Professor," she murmured, waving her wand in a complicated gesture to check for internal injuries. She couldn't risk portkeying with him if he was too badly injured, he'd never make the journey. "Okay, you're... you're going to be fine. And this is going to suck, but I have to get you out of here."

"Miss Granger, leave me," he snapped.

She rolled her eyes. "No. I'm going to conjure a stretcher to make it easier to transport you," she added. It was habit to explain everything she did when someone was injured; Harry freaked out if people just did things, and she was so used to him being the injured party that it was ingrained in her to voice her actions.

Severus Snape: OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now