that night

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Sirens pierced the air and light footsteps echoed through the alleyway.

'They are getting closer...'


"He must be here somewhere!"

'So close…'


'So loud…I…I...need to…move…'

*tap* *tap* *tap*

'Those are footsteps…closer…must…'


*tap* *tap* *tap*


Kaito woke up with a start. 'Where?...this isn't my room…why am I in pain?'

Then, as last night's events came back to him, he quickly sat up.

Pain shot throughout his body and he wished he hadn't moved so suddenly. Groaning softly, he looked around the room. It looked like a normal bedroom, he certainly wasn't in jail. So where…?

Kaito heard light footsteps coming closer to the room. Panicking, he decided to act like he was still asleep. He wasn't in jail, but he still had no clue as to where he was, there were many who would capture him without turning him to jail-and Kaito personally would not want to meet any of them.

The door opened and Kaito heard the footsteps stop by his bed. A soft sigh came from whoever was there and a clank of what was probably silverware was placed on the table besides the bed.

"I know you are awake. Come on, get up…slowly though." The person next to Kaito's temporary bed said.

Kaito didn't move.

"Or do you want me to spoon feed you like I have been for the past two days?"

Kaito shot up again. "Two days?" He practically shouted.

Instantly he regretted it as pain surged though him once more.

"Moron. I told you slowly." The stranger carefully eased Kaito back to the bed and propped him up with the pillows comfortably.

Kaito looked over the other. The stranger was his look-alike and even their voice was similar, though he already knew that from last night.

The stranger caught his eye and smirked. "Surprising isn't it? Who would have thought my could-be-twin was the infamous Kaitou KID?"

Kaito tensed up at that, remembering how dire the situation was. "What do you want?" He asked in a stern tone. He wasn't about to show any more weakness than he had. The other knew he was weak. He could easily try to use that against him…

"I want you to get better already so I can have my own bed back." The other teen said nonchalantly. He then placed the tray of food on Kaito's lap. "Do you think you can eat? Or do I really have to spoon feed you?"

Kaito blinked. "Umm…"

"Good. So you can eat." He looked at his watch. "I have to go down to the police station really quickly. Be back in about ten minutes. Once you are done just put the tray back on this table." He knocked on the table as if it wasn't obvious which he meant. "Don't try to move too much. If something comes up, give me a call." The stranger placed a cell phone on top of the table. "You can use this one. Just dial one and it'll connect to me."

Kaito stared incredulously at the stranger. "Do you honestly think I'm going to sit here while you get ready to hand me to the police? You might know my identity, but that doesn't mean I can't go to hiding."

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