Chapter 4 - How About A Date

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Alec wakes up two hours later after going to sleep and looks at his phone, Alec dials Magnus' number and calls him. While Alec is on the call all of his friends are in Ashers Apartment which is right next to Alec's and the walls are very thin they heard everything.

*In Ashers' Apartment*

Laurel: Hey guys do you hear that

Connor: It sounds like it is coming from Alec's Apartment

Asher: Let's listen to what is going

They all head over to the wall that Asher and Alec share and listen very closely.

*In Alecs' Apartment: Alec's on the phone with Magnus*

Alec: Hey Magnus

Magnus: Hey Alexander, what's up

Alec: I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date sometime

Magnus: I would love that Alexander, just tell me where, when, and how to dress

Alec: Tonight 7:00 pm, Dress Casual and I will pick you up at your place

Magnus: Okay, I will see you Then

Alec: See you then Magnus

Magnus: Bye, Alexander

Alec: Bye, Magnus

*End of Phone Call*

Laurel: So Alec is in a relationship

Connor: I guess

Michaela: Maybe we can talk to him later

Wes Gibbins: Yeah

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