Chapter 9 - Look I Want You To Meet My Class... Friends

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Three hours later Alec and his classmates were working on a case and there was something that they couldn't figure out.

Connor: Ugh we need to figure out what is with this one person's account and I can't call Oliver because he is visiting his mother for a week what are we going to do

Alec: I have an Idea

Asher: What is it

Alec: I'll call My boyfriend he works in I.T he helped me get the information about the Muslim Girl, But if I call him over promise you will not embarrass me

Everyone: We promise

Alec: Alright let me call him

Alec leaves the room and goes to call Magnus.

*Phone Call*

Magnus: Hey Alexander, what's up

Alec: I need you to come to my work we need some computer genius help, can you come

Magnus: Yeah I'll meet you there

Alec: Okay, bye

Magnus: Bye

*End of Phone Call*

Alec: Alright he will be here in 10 minutes

Asher: So you are Gay

Alec: Yes, Asher I am Gay

Connor: What age did you come out

Alec: 14 years old, my father hated me he beat me, cut me, called me names, he was the worst father in the whole world

Connor: Man I can't believe that even my father didn't do that to me and he came out Gay 10 years ago

Alec: Can we just drop it, that was a hard time in my life

Connor: Yeah, sure sorry about that

*10 Minutes later*

Magnus texts Alec when he is just outside. Alec heads outside and gives his boyfriend on the lips.

Alec: Hi Darling

Magnus: Hey Babe

Alec: Okay let's head in but anything my classmates tell you is not my fault

Magnus: You mean your friends

Alec: What No, they're not my friends

Magnus: Whenever you aren't with me your with them they are your friends

Alec: Okay fine there my friends but whatever they say is not my fault

Magnus: Okay

Alec takes Magnus into Annalise's place and introduces him to his friends.

Alec: Alright guys this is my boyfriend Magnus Bane he actually works in the same office as Oliver, Connor

Connor: Yeah I saw you with Oliver when you guys where at lunch together

Magnus: That's right I Remember you Oliver's Boyfriends

Alec: But you know Connor, So there is Wes, Laurel, Michaela, Asher the annoying one who called us this morning

Magnus: Oh right, well nice to meet you all, but Alec what did you need me to do

Connor: I'll explain this one, We found out about our client's phone records and there is one person who we need to find out about his profiles and anything about them

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