Chapter 27 - Happy Birthday Alexa

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It has been a year since Magnus had Alexa today would be her first birthday which was why Alec and Magnus took off work to celebrate their daughter's first birthday. A lot has happened since Alexa was born when Alexa was 5 months old Magnus's dad, Asmodeus got married to the man of his dreams who was named Lorenzo who became Magnus's stepdad, When Alexa was 6 months old Alec's brother Jace and sister Isabelle got married to their partners Clary and Simon in a double wedding, but the one thing that hasn't done yet is met her grandparents on Alec's side of the family. Alec walks out into the kitchen where Magnus is drinking coffee because Alexa hasn't woken up yet.

Alec: Good morning babe

Magnus: Morning darling

Alec: Alexa not up yet

Magnus: No she is still sleeping

Alec: You know what I just realized

Magnus: What

Alec: It has been a year since she was born

Magnus: I guess time just flys when you are a parent

Alec: Yeah and you know what

Magnus: What

Alec: We haven't gotten to kiss each other the way we use to

Magnus: Yeah we haven't

Alec walks over to Magnus and starts to go in for a kiss until a baby girl starts crying.

Alec: So close, so close

Magnus: Just go get Alexa

Alec: Fine

Alec heads into Alexa's room and gets his baby girl. Alec gets Alexa and brings him into the kitchen to see Magnus.

Alec: And someone wants to see her Papa

Magnus: Hi baby girl

Alec: You know it's nice to see you smiling when Alexa is in your arms

Magnus: You smile when she is in your arms too

Alec: True

Magnus: I love you

Alec: I love you too

Alec gives Magnus a quick peck on the lips when there is a knock on the door.

Magnus: Who is that

Alec: Let me go see

Alec heads over to the door and opens the door to see who it is. Alec opens the door and sees his parents standing there.

Alec: Mom, Dad, what are you doing here

Maryse: Your dad and I wanted to come and apologize for how we reacted to you when you came out gay

Alec: Why now, why wait 12 years after me coming out to apologize

Robert: Because we, I mean I want to apologize to you for being rude and hurting you the reason I got mad at you was that I didn't understand and your life would be different

Alec: Fine I accept your guys' apology

Magnus: Hey Alec who is it

Alec: Uh my parents

Maryse: Who is that

Alec: My husband

Robert: We would love to meet him

Alec: Well come in

Maryse and Robert walk into Alec and Magnus' apartment behind Alec.

Alec: Hey Magnus

Magnus: Hey Alec

Alec: I want you to meet my parents Maryse and Robert Lightwood

Magnus: Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Lightwood

Alec: Mom, Dad, I want you too meet my husband more formally known as Magnus Bane but now Magnus Lightwood-Bane

Maryse & Robert: Nice to meet you Magnus

While Alec, Magnus, Maryse, and Robert are talking there is crying from Alexa's room.

*Crying Crying*

Maryse: Whats that

Alec: That's Alexa

Magnus: I will go get her

Alec: Thanks babe

Magnus heads to get Alexa while Alec and his parents are talking.

Robert: Who is Alexa

Alec: she is my daughter today is her first birthday

Maryse: How

Alec: Magnus has a medical condition where he has both a male and female reproductive system

Robert: Well your mother and I really want to meet her

As soon as Robert finishes his sentence Magnus brings Alexa out to Alec and his parents.

Magnus: Here you go, Alec

Alec: Thank you, babe, Mom, Dad I want you to meet my daughter Alexa Lynn Lightwood-Bane

Maryse: Oh my god she is so cute, can I hold her

Alec: Oh course Mom

Robert: WOW, Maryse are we that old

Alec: WOW, first Asmodeus, Now you guys, You guys aren't old

Maryse: Who is Asmodeus

Magnus: That is my dad he thinks because he missed me growing up that he is older than he actually is

Maryse: Oh Okay

Maryse hands Alexa to Alec.

Robert: Well we should probably get going

Maryse: Yah It was good to see you Alec and It was nice to meet you Mrs. Lightwood

Maryse and Robert started to head to the door, Alec hands Alexa to Magnus and goes to stop his parents.

Alec: Mom, Dad, wait up

Robert & Maryse: Yeah

Alec: Why don't you stay and celebrate Alexa's birthday with us

Robert: We don't want to intervene

Alec: You're my parents, you are not intervening plus Alexa should know her grandparents

Maryse: Than I guess we can stay

Maryse, Robert and Alec all head back to the kitchen and they spend the day with Magnus and Alexa to celebrate Alexa's birthday.

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