Chapter 25 - Alec I Couldn't Think Of Any One Better To Have A Family With

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Magnus is now in active labor and Alec is by his side. It has been a while and right before the last contraction Magnus asks Alec what is wrong.

Magnus: Alec

Alec: Yeah Babe

Magnus: What's up with you

Alec: It's nothing

Magnus: Yes it something, tell me what is wrong

Alec: I am just nervous

Magnus: Nervous about what

Alec: That I am not going to be a good dad or I am going to screw something up

Magnus: Alec, I couldn't think of anyone better to have a child with than you, the man I love, the man I married, you will be an amazing father

Jem: I can agree with Magnus on this one

Alec: I love you

Magnus: I love you too

After Alec and Magnus talked for a few minutes about what was on Alec's mind Magnus finally had the last contraction and gave birth to his and Alec's daughter she was so sweet, a bundle of joy in Alec and Magnus's eyes. Dr. Jem Carstairs hands the baby to Magnus, the baby looks so much like Magnus but has some of the most amazing parts from Alec that Magnus thinks is important. While in Magnus' arms the baby looks at her parents with her bright blue eyes like Alec.

Alec: She looks a lot like you

Magnus: Yah but she gets the most important parts from you, mostly her bright blue eye

Alec: What should we name her

Magnus: I don't know

Alec: What about Alexa Lynn

Magnus: I like that

Alec: Welcome Alexa Lynn

Magnus: Maybe you should get your family and my dad

Alec: Alright

Alec heads out to the waiting room to get his family and Asmodeus to have them come back. Before he can say anything he gets a swarm of people coming over to him.

Izzy: Well

Alec: She's here

All: Oh My God

Asmodeus: Can we see her

Alec: Magnus and I want Izzy, Jace, Max and you Asmodeus to come and meet her first

Jace, Max, Izzy, & Asmodeus: Okay

The five of them head back into Magnus's room. Alec walks in first and stands next to Magnus with his siblings and Magnus's father behind him. 

Alexa Lynn Lightwood-Bane 

7 Pounds 12 Ounces 21 1/2 Inches 

Born June 21st, 2019 at 2:35 PM

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