Ch. 1 - New Foster Family

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"THIS IS A NICE FAMILY, and they have kids around your age," Rachel, my social worker, told me

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"THIS IS A NICE FAMILY, and they have kids around your age," Rachel, my social worker, told me.

We were standing at the airport, waiting for my new foster parents. It is November, and it's chilly outside. It is West Virginia, after all.

"Rachel, are you postive that they have no criminal record, or-" I said, but she cut me off.

"Campbell, sweetie, they are clean. They are really nice people. I'm sorry that I put you in that foster home for two years, but this family is different," she said, looking me in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll give them a chance," I told her.

She smiled at me. "You have your medicine?"

I nodded,"Yes, they're in my bag."

I have to take medicine for my shoulder. My last foster father messed it up, really bad.

My father went to jail for drugs when I was twelve, and my mother ran off when I was seven. My father never hit me, but there was times that he would yell.

"They are here," Rachel whispered to me.

I saw a man and a woman walking to us. The man has black hair and blue eyes, and he was in a suit. The woman has brown hair and brown eyes, and she was in jeans and a blouse.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cade, this is Campbell," Rachel introduced us.

The woman, Mrs. Cade, hugged me. I bit my lip from screaming out in pain. My shoulder is burning in pain, and the bruises on my stomach and back are hurting from her squeeze. The bruises should be gone in a few weeks, or, at least, that is what the doctor said.

"It is so nice to meet you. You can call me Lisa," she said, letting me go.

"Hi," I said, quietly.

"I'm Ross," the man introduced himself. We shook hands.

"Now, Campbell has to go to the physical thearpy at least twice a month, until her shoulder gets better," Rachel said, and Lisa gasped.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that your shoulder is hurting," she apologizes.

"It's alright."

"I think that is all, but please call me for anything," Rachel said, looking at each one of us.

"Thank you," Ross said.

She smiled and nodded, and she walked out the doors. Ross grabbed my two bags, and Lisa held my hand.

"You don't have to grab my bags," I told Ross.

"It's alright. You don't need any weight on your shoulder," he said.

"Come on, let's get you to the house," Lisa said.

Ross led the way while Lisa stayed by my side. We walked outside to a gray truck. Ross put my bags in the back, and I sat by the window. Lisa sat in the passenger seat while Ross sat in the driver seat.

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