Ch. 38 - Dad

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"I NEVER LIKED FLYING AND I never will," Lisa said when we got off the plane

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"I NEVER LIKED FLYING AND I never will," Lisa said when we got off the plane.

I laughed,"Scared of heights?"

She nodded,"Scared more like terrified of heights."

"I didn't know that about you," I said as we waited for our bags.

"Well, the only person besides you that know is Ross and that's because he surprised me with skydiving for our one year anniversary," Lisa said before grabbing her bag.

I grabbed mine before saying,"What did you do?"

"Well, I did it, but let's just say Ross never took me anywhere high again after that," Lisa said, shaking her head.

We walked to the escalator which takes us down to the main floor. People were scattered everywhere in big crowds. Lisa and I walked through the crowd, slowly.

When we walked outside, the sun was beating down us, but it wasn't hot outside. More like a cool breeze.

I missed this. The beautiful sunshine, the calm and peaceful atmosphere.

"This is very different from West Virginia," Lisa commented, looking around.

"Welcome to Florida," I said with a smile.

"Come on, there's our Uber," Lisa said, pointing to a dark blue car waiting for us.

We walked over to the car, and Lisa opened the door. We stuff our suitcases in the backseat before we got into the car with Lisa sitting up front and me in the back.

Our driver was a young girl, maybe in her twenties, and she smiled when we got in.

"I'm Delilah, your driver today," she introduced herself.

"I'm Lisa, and that's Campbell," Lisa replied, kindly.

The two started a conversation while I looked out the window. People were walking in the sidewalks, talking and laughing with their friends.

When I lived in Florida, my father and I lived right outside of Orlando which is where we are right now.

Just knowing that I'm in the same city as my father sent a shiver down my spine.

I was so deep into thought that I didn't realize that we were parked outside of our hotel. Lisa was thanking Delilah as she was paying her.

I opened my door, stepping out on the concrete sidewalk. The hotel was tall with a lot of windows. There has to be at least thirty floors. I grabbed my suitcase while Lisa stepped out of the car.

I waited for her to get her suitcase before shutting my door. The car drove off, leaving us.

"Wow, much taller in person than online," Lisa said before walking to the glass doors.

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