Ch. 6 - Shop Until You Drop

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"PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE," the boys begged me

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"PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE," the boys begged me.

"I'm not good with kids. What if I drop her?" I asked them.

"The girls and our mother will be there," Elliot said.

You might be wondering what's going on, right?

Well, it's Saturday, and Lisa, the girls, and I are going shopping for clothes. You know, the usual stuff we were going to do at the mall.

Shop. Eat. Shop. Shop. Eat, again. Shop. House.

Anyways, the boys have plans today. Now that was whatever, but Brent couldn't come because he was babysitting his little sister. So, the boys told him that we can watch her for a little while.

And I don't mind her coming, but I'm not good with kids, like at all.

I don't know what they like, or what they need. I seriously don't know how I'm going to raise a kid.

"Campbell, she's four. Plus, she's a sweetheart," Nick added.

"She can come, but I'm worried about saying the wrong thing. I don't want her to hate me," I told them, pacing back and forth.

"You'll be fine. Whatever you do, don't bring up their parents. She gets really sad," Michael said.

"Okay, but-" I said, but I was cut off by the door opening.

Brent walked in holding hands with a little girl. Her brown hair was in a french braid with a white bow. She was wearing a black and white stripped dress, black tights, a gray fur vest, and black uggs. She looked adorable.

"Nessa!" The boys exclaimed.

She ran to them, and Elliot picked her up. The boys seem really close with her.

Well, Brent has been their best friend since they were kids.

"I learned some letters in class yesterday," she said with a smile.

Her smile is so cute! My heart is melting!

"Mom, Vanessa is here!" Gaberial yelled for Lisa.

Vanessa. That's a cute name.

"Okay, I'm almost done," she called from upstairs.

I felt eyes staring at me, but when I looked around, I found nobody staring at me.


I felt a tug on my jacket sleeve. I looked down to see Vanessa. She was looking me up and down.

"Are you Breny's girlfriend?" She asked, and I blushed.

The boys snickerd, and I saw the shade of pink on Brent's cheeks. I looked back down at Vanessa.

"No, I'm Campbell. I live here," I told her.

She looked back at the boys with an evil glare in her face.

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