Ch. 21 - Broken

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I CRACKED MY EYES OPEN to a white ceiling

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I CRACKED MY EYES OPEN to a white ceiling. I blinked a couple of times because of how bright it is in this room.

I looked around to see that I was in the nurse's office. I was sitting on a hospital bed, and the nurse was filling out a paper.

She spun around to face me. "Campbell, you're awake. I'm Nurse Pines."

I gave her a half smile. My head hurts like I was ran over by a truck.

"I'm betting your head is probably throbbing right now, huh?" She asked.

Her dark red hair was pulled into a tight bun, and she was in dark blue scrubs.

"Yeah. What exactly happened?" I asked her.

She handed me a pill and a cup of water before saying,"Take that. It will stop the pain, and from what the three boys who brought you in said that you were having a panic attack."

Suddenly memories of what happened came flashing through my mind. Hailey, Gavin and Gaberial yelling at each other, and Gaberial saying that I wasn't apart of the family.

"Your parents will be here soon," she said, bringing me back to reality.

"What?" I asked her.

"I called your parents twenty minutes ago. I can't send you to class because of the panic attack. You will be sent home for today and tomorrow," she explained, looking through her files.

"Oh," I mumbled. She was talking about Lisa and Ross.

Lisa and Ross are definitely going to send me to therapy now. Maybe even a mental institution. As long as they don't have to deal with me and my broken problems.

There was a knock on the door, and Nurse Pines excused herself. I heard talking outside of the door, and I sighed, already knowing who it is.

Five minutes went by before the door opened again revealing Lisa. She was dressed in work clothes, and she had a brown briefcase in her right hand.

She didn't look mad or disappionted. She looked corcern or even scared.

"Lets go, Campbell," she said quietly.

I licked my lips before exiting the room. She followed behind me to outside where her car was parked. I climbed in the passenger seat while she sat in the driver seat.

She started to drive away from the school. I could feel the tension in the car, but I ignored it.

When we walked into the house, nobody else was there except Winter who was laying on the couch with a chew toy. Lisa sat down in the chair, pointing to the couch making me sit down.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked me, making me snap my head to look at her. "And don't lie to me."

I bit my lip."Yes..... Maybe......No. I honestly don't know anymore."

"What happened, Campbell?" She asked me.

"Lisa, if you want to send me back to the foster system, you can. I totally understand. I am an imposter to your family, and I have a lot of problems that are now dumped on you and Ross," I ranted.

I didn't want her to send me back, but I would understand if she did. She probably thought that fostering a child would be a lot more easier than it actually is.

"What? Campbell, I don't want to send you back. You are apart of this family," she replied, holding my hand.

I felt the tears gather in my eyes, and I looked down so Lisa couldn't see them.

"I'm broken. Aren't I?" I asked her.

I let the tears slipped out, and they slid down my face.

"Oh, sweetie," Lisa said, squatting in front of me. She held my hands in hers. "You aren't broken. You are a strong, brave teenage girl who has been through terrible things that should never happen to a child or a teenager."

Next thing I knew I hugged her. It took a second to take in the hug, but she hugged me back. More tears came out, and we stayed in that position for for while. She kept whispering in my ear that everything was going to be okay.

When we broke apart, I rubbed my eyes in tired from today.

"You need to go change into pjs and get some rest," Lisa said.

I nodded, and I walked upstairs to my room changing into a hoodie and black nike shorts. Winter was lying on my bed in a sleeping position. I turned off the lights, and I climbed into bed. Winter laid right next to me, cuddling with me.

My head was still pounding, but it was getting better. I closed my eyes, and I let darkness take over me.


"Dad?!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

His cold stare soften when he saw me. His knuckels were bruised, and he was bleeding from his nose and head. I heard police sirens coming this way, but my father didn't seem to notice it.

"Campbell," he said, walking closer to me. I stepped back in fear.

The man on the ground was not moving or breathing. I knew what that meant. He was dead.

My father had tears in his dark blue eyes. Four police cars pulled out, and police officers got out with their guns out ready to shoot if needed.

"Step away from the child, and put your hands up, now," one of the police officers yelled.

My father did what they said, and a girl cop cuffed him. Before he got into the vechile, he called out to me.

"I'm sorry, sunshine. I love you. Always and forever," he said, giving me a sad smile.

Two police officers went over to Drew to check his pulse. I saw one of them shook his head no. No pulse.

"Are you hurt, sweetie?" An officer asked me.


"Here," he said, hand me his jacket. I put it on to keep warm.

"Come on, let's get you to the station," he said, leading the way to his car.

I knew that night was going to change my life for the rest of my life.


Hey guys!! Poor Campbell. Ok love the relationship between Campbell and Lisa so much.

Y'all I'm so ready for Christmas! What's on your wishlist?? Comment ------>

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