Ch. 24 - Special

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IT'S SUNDAY, meaning that today is mine and Brent's date

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IT'S SUNDAY, meaning that today is mine and Brent's date. I was looking through my clothes for something to wear. He was picking me up at 3, and it's 1:45.


Elliot got a cast for his leg, and he is in it for six to eight weeks, but he can't play lacrosse becaus the muscle is very tender espically after the cast comes off.

"Knock, knock," Lisa said, knocking on my open door.

"Come in," I replied, from the closet.

"You got a mess going on in here, huh?" She asked, referring to my clothes on the floor and on the bed.

"It happened by itself," I replied, grabbing a cute blue sweater with a pair of white ripped jeans.

"You ready for you date with Brent?"

My head shot up. How did she know about that?

"How did you-..."

She simply shrugged before replying,"A mother always knows. Plus Anna filled me in a few minutes ago."

"Anna," I grumbled under my breath, putting the outfit in my hands back on the shelf.

"Do you need help to get ready?" She asked.

I nodded,"Yes. Please, I feel like I have nothing to wear."

She laughed,"Every girl on her first date thinks that, but I promise you there is going to be an outfit that is perfect."

I let her search through my closet while I sat on the bed. Five minutes later she came out with a white sweater, black tights, and a black and white plaid skirt that reached mid thigh. It was a very cute outfit. (Up top)

"How about this? It's cute, and it will keep you warm," She asked, holding it up.

"I love it. I'm going to go try it on," I replied, getting up from the bed.

"I'll be out here," I heard her say before I shut the door.

I put the outfit on along with a white bra before stepping back into my room for Lisa to see. She smiled and clapped her hands in excitement.

"It is so pretty. Now all we have to do is curl the ends of your hair, and you will be ready to go, my dear," she said like a fashion designer.

I laughed. She urged me to sit in the chair so she could do my hair.

"I always wanted a daughter," she said, making me look up to see her in the mirror. "Don't get me wrong I love my boys, but they never want to go shopping or have 'girl talk'."

"My mom left when I was little so I didn't get to experience mother and daughter bonding time. We would go to the movies or to the park, but my dad was always with us. I'm glad that I'm getting to experience it with you," I said, playing with my skirt.

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