Ch. 30 - Everybody Knows

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I HAVE STAYED AFTER SCHOOL, watching the boys practice everyday this week

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I HAVE STAYED AFTER SCHOOL, watching the boys practice everyday this week. It's currently Thursday, and the day was almost over.

I was in the restroom when Clary walked in with Naomi behind her. I continued to wash my hands, ignoring them.

Clary cleared her voice, tapping her heel. I turned the faucet off, and I looked over to them with bored eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked, drying my hands with a paper towel.

"So, you and Brent, huh? Who would have thought?" Clary asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked her.

She pursued her lips,"Nothing. I just don't understand why he would date you over me. Especially with your past."

My eyes widen,"How did you-.."

"Find out?" She finished before saying,"I put two and two together. You came from LA where a man was arrested for abusing a teenage girl who was in the foster system. It's really not that hard to figure out."

"All you need is social media," Naomi commented beside her.

"And the funny part is nobody knows who that girl is. I wonder what will happen I somebody were to accidentally send the news an email about the girl," Clary said, walking closer to me.

"Clary, please don't do that," I begged.

If my story is all over the news, Malcom can find me, especially if she tells them where I'm at.

"I won't. But all you have to do is break up with Brent."

I shook my head,"That's not happening."

She gave me a pouty lip,"Well it doesn't look like you have much of a choice. I warned you to stay away from him, and you decided not to listen. Now either break up with him, or everybody will know about your past. Your choice."

At that moment, I didn't care about Malcom. All I care about is my life and my boyfriend. And I'm not going to let Clary take that away from me.

I gritted my teeth together in anger and said,"Go ahead. Do it. I'm not breaking up with Brent because you didn't get what you wanted. So, tell everybody. I don't give a damn."

Without another word, I walked past them. I walked out of the restroom, quickly walking to my class.

I can't believe I said that.

Walking into class, Brent looked up from his work. He looked at me with concern eyes, and mouthed What's wrong? I shook my head to assure him that I'm okay.

He kept giving me concern looks while I worked on the worksheet that was passed out.

Once the bell rang, I gathered my stuff, and I waited for Brent by the door. When he walked up to me, he put his arm around my waist. Then he looked down at me.

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