Chapter 3

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"My, have you grown since I last saw you."

The two were sitting on the bed, Shadow Man ruffling Care's hair, "Eight years feels like forever."

"It does?" Care asks, shoving a forkful of cake into her mouth. Shadow Man chuckles.

"Well, when you're stuck here it does. Time isn't necessarily Newmaker Plane's most consistent concept." The girl frowns a bit.

"That sounds troublesome..."

"Oh it is!" The monster responds, grinning, "But that's what makes it so exciting." Care didn't know enough about the subject to disagree.

The Shadow Man was much taller than her. He could touch the ceiling with his entire palm without bending his legs. His entire body was pitch black, the only visible outlines being his eyes, mouth, and his prosthetic arm on the right. His voice was low-pitched, and he made little to no sound when he walked.

He really was like a shadow.

"So, what brings you back so suddenly?" He asks Care as soon as she had finished eating, the girl putting her plate down on the small table that she had dragged to the bedside. She furrows her brow thoughtfully.

"It's... a rather odd story, actually."


"I thought we had been through this." Ms. George sighs, looking down at her notepad before glancing up again, forcing a crooked smile despite the clear disappointment in her eyes, "This kind of behavior isn't allowed, Care." Care was slouched back lazily in the therapist office's signature green chair, frowning as she scratched uncomfortably at the new bandaid that was stuck to her cheek. A bit of blood had already started to seep through the material. Ms. George shakes her head, furrowing her eyebrows.

"This is the third fight you've gotten into this week-"

"Well maybe you should tell Linné that she should stop being a lil' bitch." Care spits back, causing her therapist's smile to finally vanish.

"Care, during the past eight years of you being here, you've caused the least trouble amongst anyone. Why is your attitude changing all of a sudden?" The girl doesn't respond, her expression darkening and her fingernails digging further into the chair's material. A loud ding was heard over the intercom and Ms. George huffs, getting up and heading towards the door.

"You're allowed to leave due to it being dinner, but don't think that this conversation is over; young lady."
Care didn't eat dinner. She only didn't when she was angry. And right now, that was the exact emotion she was feeling. The fall air was crisp, sidewalks dimly lit up by the flickering streetlights as golden orange and red leaves blew in the wind. Care's hands were shoved in her overall's pockets, not caring that her legs were freezing cold. Shorts really weren't good autumn-wear. She shivers, the sudden sound of a car approaching bringing her to her senses.
Cars weren't good signs for her. If an adult were to see her walking around at this hour, she'd be stopped and asked a bunch of questions; and then back to the orphanage it was. Grunting, she quickly turns the nearest corner, a small alleyway between two buildings that led to nothing other than a dead-end. This was good enough. The car humbly drove past as she stayed put, sighing in relief as soon as she was certain the coast was clear.
But something kept her from moving forward.
An odd chill ran down her spine, and it wasn't because of the cold. She could feel something staring into her back. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she nervously turned her head around, only to be met with nothing other than an old dumpster.
But the odd thing was that it was the dumpster that was staring at her. Well, not exactly, considering it had no eyes; but she could feel it. A distant voice in the back of her head, calling out her name and begging her to go closer. Glancing around anxiously, Care clenches her fists and hastily walks up to the considerable dump. Her hands fidgeting, she slowly lifts open the lid and leans down to take a look inside. Suddenly, as if something had grabbed her, her feet lost contact with the ground below, and she found herself falling into darkness; the only sound that could be heard was her terrified screaming.


"And then, the next thing I knew, I was back in the Newmaker Plane." Care finishes, "I have no clue why it played out the way it did, but things happen and you just gotta deal with it."

"You're correct." Shadow Man responds, his reaction giving off the impression that he had heard the story already. Care sighs, crossing her legs.

"I'd love to stay and catch up with you, but I should really get going home. I know that there's a way out, but I've never actually seen it." Shadow Man's expression darkens, his smile vanishing. Care was too focused on the floor to notice.

"I don't want the staff to worry, y'know? They've given me a home, the least I could do is not vanish like that." There's a moment of silence.

"I understand." Shadow Man finally responds, his tone soft and reassuring, "You know I care about you, Care. Anything that makes you happy, I'd be willing to do." Care's expression lit up, her eyes shining as she turned to face her friend.


"Why of course! Although I will miss you oh so much. Nevertheless, all Wanderers deserve help."

"Thank you!" The girl exclaims in relief, laughing a bit as she stretches. She then hugs the Shadow Man for a moment, before pulling back and hopping off the bed, "This is going to go so much quicker than I had imagined!"

All of Care's previous fears had vanished. She could escape this eery place only a few hours after getting there; and to her, that was all she could ever hope for. Shadow Man laughs a little bit, standing up.

"Well aren't you excited."

"It's all thanks to you, big guy." Care playfully punches him.

"Oh of course. Anything for you." He scans the room for a bit, "However... I seem to have misplaced my map." Care's jumping stops.

"Your map?"

"Why yes! Why wouldn't I have a map of the Newmaker Plane?" He asks playfully, "One has to know their way around when living here. I'm sure you know how confusing things can get."

"Tell me about it." Care groans, "Took me forever to find my way here, despite this building being huge." Her smile quickly returns, "But that doesn't matter right now, I'll help you find it!"

"Oh not so fast there, Care." Shadow Man chuckles, "I know where it is. I just have to go get it." Care raises an eyebrow.

"But didn't you just say that you misplaced it? Doesn't that mea-"

"Would you mind staying here while I go fetch it?" Shadow Man asks with a soft smile, "I promise I won't be long. It's down in the reception." Care lets out a surprised 'huh'. She must've missed it on the way in.

"S... Sure! I can wait."

"Good." He seemed satisfied with her response, carefully picking up her plate. Heading towards the exit, he glances over his shoulder halfway through the door.

"I'll be back shortly."

"Cool! I'll be here." Care responds.

"I know." The Shadow Man's voice went cold. His face stayed the same. The door shut itself behind him, and Care plopped back onto the bed.

She waited and waited, but the Shadow Man didn't return. She had ripped the notes off the wall and shoved them in her pocket with the one she took from the office. She decided it'd be best to check on him. Maybe he needed help, after all.

When she opened the door, the canvas had been torn to shreds.
The elevator didn't function without the canvas.

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