Chapter 7

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For the first time in a while, Care felt safe.

Wandering the Newmaker Plane was a completely different story when you had someone seemingly sane doing it with you.

Marvin might've not been the most quick-witted companion, considering he very rarely left his windmill, but he knew how to hold a conversation and crack jokes. Care would've appreciated it if he slowed down a bit, though. There were several instances where he'd have to halt in his tracks just so Care could catch up. At first, she presumed it was because he was taller; meaning his legs were longer, but after standing next to him she quickly noticed that he was only one or two inches above her.

"So, where's this friend of yours?" Care asks after a few minutes of pointless jabber. Marvin smiles widely.

"It's hard to say. We just have to keep walking around in hopes that we'll find him." Care raises an eyebrow, chuckling.

"Goodness, you seem even happier than before."

"What can I say? I'll always be excited to meet up with a good man like Paul."

Care goes quiet.


"Do you think he's in here?" Marvin asks, gently opening the door to the shack. Care shrugs, following him inside.

"I'm not sure... This place was completely deserted when I was last here." Marvin takes a deep breath, looking up at the large flower that had grown through the floor.

"It's been ages since I was last in the Flower Shack."

"The Flower Shack? Is that seriously what it's called?"

"Some of these places have genuinely creative names, others are just plain rubbish."

They started making their way down the stairs, Care being certain to warn Marvin to not interact with the right wall at all. Marvin had laughed hysterically when she explained why, but still kept his distance; visibly put-off by the fact that the wall could easily give away at one touch.

"Have you noticed that almost every one of these locations has a face linked to it?" Marvin suddenly asks with a snort, breaking the silence. He was clearly referencing the odd face that was drawn above the Flower Shack's door. Care smiles.

"Hey, you're right!"

"I can't tell if it's unique or just plain creepy." Marvin retorts, hopping over the last step as if he were a child, "Nevertheless, it's not usual that you see design choices like tha–"
He's interrupted by the sound of sniffling. Care quietly trots up next to him, hearing the sound as well.

"Where's that coming from?" She asks. Instead of answering with words, Marvin points towards the other end of the room.

A small girl sat there, crying into her hands at the bottom of the large flower's stem. She was up on a pedestal; a tiny piece of the ground that shot upwards only just out of Marvin's reach. A more regular-sized daisy sprouted from the top of her head, although it was drooping over; petals beginning to wilt off. Her dark brown hair was incredibly messy, and her sweater-sleeves were damp with tears.
Care had no idea how long the girl had been there. Chances were that Care would've spotted her if she hadn't fallen through the wall when she first attempted to walk down the stairs. Shooting Marvin a nervous glance, she slowly approaches the pedestal.

"Hey there..." Her voice came out gentle, reaching out a hand and patting the top of the platform in attempt to get the girl's attention, "Hello? Can you hear me?" The girl momentarily stops sobbing, hesitantly moving her shaking hands away from her face so she could see the newcomer properly.
She had no eyebrows.
Care smiles softly, waving.

"Hi there! Are you ok?" She didn't get any direct response. The girl only quickly shook her head, sniffling once more as she wiped her nose with the back of her sleeve. Care grumbles a bit, looking around. Could the girl be stuck? She looks back at Marvin, who gives her an unknowing shrug.

"Who are you...?" The quiet voice came from the girl. Immediately turning her attention back to the platform, Care's eyes light up happily at the question.

"I'm Care! Me n' my friend Marvin are gonna help you down, okay?"

"B... but–"

"No worries! We'll just have to find out how to reach you." Care beckons Marvin to come over, "Do you think I could try sitting on your shoulders?"

"It's worth the shot." He mumbles, starting to walk forward until the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs distracted him. Care froze in place, expecting to see the Shadow Man or some other threat.
Instead, a short, wide-eyed and armless monster nearly tumbled to the bottom floor; breathing somewhat heavily. He wore a green t-shirt with ragged sleeves, paired with dusty brown shorts and equally as worn boots.

"I heard... voices..." He gasps out between breaths, looking up to take a proper look at the people he was talking to, "So I came down here to help. What I didn't expect was to see Marvin and... you..." His gaze fastened on Care; who only stared back.
She had never expected to see Paul again.

Care's memories when it came to Paul where much stronger than the others. It might've been because he was the one who led her home when she had first fallen; meaning he held a special place in her heart, filled with gratitude and a sense of relief.
He must've recognized her, too. The way his voice trailed off and his stare was enough to tell.

"Oh... my god..." Paul's voice was, understandably, filled with worry. Marvin waves at him, snapping his fingers a few times in attempt to get the other's attention.

"Yo, pall. You look like you've just seen a ghost."


"No time for that, could you help us with the tiny girl up there?" Marvin's question seemed like more of an announcement that he and Care were about to start actually doing something. Marvin finally reaches the pedestal and kneels down so Care could climb on top of him. As soon as she was on his shoulders, he heaves her upwards.

"Goodness gracious you're heavy..." He wheezes out. Care rolls her eyes.

"What did you expect? Did you think I'd be as light as a feather?" She locks eye-contact with the girl, who now seemed more confused than upset. Care holds out her arms.

"Look, just latch onto me and you'll be fine."

"Be careful!" Paul's panicked voice blurts out, "Don't get yourselves hurt... I still have questions to ask!"

"Calm down, would you?" Marvin snaps back, staggering a bit as Care nearly loses her balance. As soon as the two recovered, Care reaches out for the girl again.

"Please, you have to cooperate a bit too..."
With a moment of hesitation, the girl gulps before anxiously wrapping her arms around Care's neck. Smiling in relief, Care grabs her by the waist and lifts her off of the platform.
The additional weight caught Marvin off guard, and before anyone in the room expected it, all three of them toppled over and onto the ground.

At least the girl was okay.

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