Chapter 6

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She woke up on the cold, stone floor.

Care's eyesight was blurred by how watery her eyes were. Her body felt like it would break at any second. All she could do was stare up at the windmill's ceiling helplessly.
She wasn't dead, to say the least.
Care could feel something wound around her ankle, most plausibly a bandage of sorts. With the taste of sleep in her mouth, she forces herself to slightly sit up; a low grunt escaping her.

"Oh, you're awake." Care would've screamed if she had the energy, which she didn't. So instead, she slowly turns her head in the direction the voice came from.

A person sat cross-legged on top of a cardboard box. Or, Care presumed they were sitting cross-legged. It was incredibly hard to tell due to the fact that their legs couldn't be seen. There was just a pair of feet positioned on either of their sides; giving off the impression that if their legs were there, they'd be crossed. Their skin consisted of various shades of green, hands fiddling with a small purple pyramid. The figure had no ears. Their eyes were slanted, with light yellow scleras and black pupils; which seemed more diamond shaped than anything. A large, red pyramid with a single yellow stripe run down the middle was fastened to the left side of their head as if it were an oddly-placed party hat. Their nose was also comically pointed.
Care locks eye-contact with the person. A small smile spreads across their face and they put the purple pyramid down.

"You fainted about halfway through telling me to 'piss off'." They explain, "I really admire your devotion." Care swallows thickly, her throat dry.

"Who are you..." She croaks out, coughing a bit. The person yawns, stretching a bit as they stand up. Care had been right about the entire leg thing. The upper half of their body was just floating above their feet. The best thing Care could compare them to was a weird, bald, green version of Rayman; if Rayman had actual arms. They sigh, cracking their knuckles.

"The name is Marvin," Marvin responds, "Not to be confused with Marvin Mark; who is a completely different person." Care squints her eyes.

"That... sounds exactly like something someone named Marvin Mark would say..." She murmurs. Marvin turns around and glares at her, his expression seeming awfully hurt. Care frowns.

"Sorry. Is that actually a touchy subject?"

"Doesn't matter." He responds bluntly, "What does matter, however, is that you're alive and functioning." He walks over to her and crouches by her side. Marvin furrows his eyebrows.

"No offense, but you look terrible."

"I... figured." Care answers hoarsely, managing to sit up straight and rub the sleep out of her eyes. She looks around. "Am I still in the windmill?"

"Why wouldn't you be? I personally have nowhere else to take you. I haven't left this place in ages." Marvin retorts, standing up again, "You must be starving. I'll see what I can find."


Marvin ended up coming back a few moments later with a bottle of water and a bag of dried fruits; which Care gladly accepted with zero hesitation. She drank so desperately that a lot of the water trickled down her face instead of actually falling into her mouth. Marvin laughs.

"Jesus Christ, how long have you been here?"

"Dunno." Care answers groggily, shoving a handful of dried fruit into her mouth. The other scratches his chin thoughtfully, a worried expression on his face.

"It's not usual that we get children here..."

"Hm?" She asks through a mouthful of food. Marvin shakes his head.

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