Summary: There are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...
Part XXX...
Laszlo, in the, more or less, living room of the old residence...
"Such a lovely evening, Jen reading to us...Dickens, very fine modern writer...And look what a nice job she did with my socks..." holds feet up.
"That girl is a wonder and a treasure. Imagine her going to all the trouble of learning the art of darning for us. Well, of course, if I asked her to murder her own child and then stab herself repeatedly, she'd do it but still in her normal day's course she has rather recovered a measure of her independence...The balancing act all long-term enthrallees must do to keep their sanity. But once they do, you can see the differences and what basic character contributes." nod.
"Now Ginny, she's a fine slave and all, don't get me wrong. Utterly devoted to the lady wife and working herself very hard to get our new residence secured...Quite willing to let us take anyone of her staff, even her daughters if we so choose. But you can sense she's recovered a bit of her old business acumen, which of course for us right now is all to the good, and is tending to focus on what she likes to do, in our service, certainly but...I would guess if Nadja asked her to say, bake bread, while she'd do it and burn her hands off trying if it came to that, it wouldn't quite be with the real zest Jen puts into such things."
Deprecating smile...
"Well...Everyone has their favorites in the family...Daughters, familiars. I mean, for Nandor, much as I think he's enjoying having a couple of adoring females in his crew, Gizmo is still the familiar he's fondest of, in his own way." Smile...Then slight frown...
"Perhaps I was a bit abrupt with the boy the other evening. I was distracted, sensing that bastard Gregor reincarnated and about...I mean the lad didn't mean to annoy...Well..." shrug... "Terrify...Me with those Amazonian stakes. I'll say something to him to put it right tonight. I know he means well." Wave of hand.
"But let me tell you how much I enjoyed the session with the professor from the Historical Society..." he begins, beaming.
Cut to Nadja, frowning...
"Dullsville, as they say on the television. Two hours of those two in the office going on about how wonderful it was that the grounds were so well preserved...And how important it is to preserve the place for Posterity...And then they go off discussing the Roman Empire? Eh..." wave of hand. "I was ready to rip both their heads off after one hour. Still, it went well, I suppose it is good they got on. Ginny tells me this sort of group can make life hell for a homeowner if you get them on their wrong side. And far too many to kill easily. Though whatever little plans Laszlo and Nandor are making for playing soldier in these what?...Reenactments of battles? I will put my foot down and my fangs out over having my nice new home overrun with dirty soldiers, even pretend ones." Sigh...Faint smile...
"Still, it was so beautiful the other night, to hear that Laszlo has been destroying Gregor all these centuries out of jealousy and the devoted husband thing...I mean, not that I want Gregor eternally or constantly destroyed, poor lamb. It's just, after all these centuries...Well...It's the feeling as that Irish guy Joyce has his wife character say in that long book? Yes." Smile. "I am a lucky girl. No word of that to Laszlo, you know." Cautioning finger raised.
"Oh, this is the color I've picked with Ginny and Jen for the new curtain blinds in the living room and bedrooms." She pulls over a bookof fabric samples. "Aren't they lovely? We are all so excited now, I just hope Colin Robinson doesn't screw things up with the finances just to get us frustrated. But he's been stuffing himself at Ginny's office all week and he likes the new pool at our new home, so...I think we're ok there."
What We Do In the Shadows: "Jen..."
مصاص دماءThere are unexpected consequences when Laszlo seeks a new human familiar...