TWENTY~ A Good Drug Dealer

779 45 18

FOUR| Never tip the crown

March 11, 2013

I sat on my bed eating both Hot Fries and Limon Lays, while my Lemonade and Strawberry Arizona sat on the dresser next to me, as I watched some sorry ass movie on 2-4, in black and white.

Did you know you could hook up a convertible box to any TV with a HDMI cord? When I first found out from trying today, I felt like a dumb ass.

Ive spent mad days in the dark, or filled with static, when I could've hooked it up myself. It made me feel like I was a dumb piece of shit.

A dumb piece of shit, but i'm okay with that because now I know-now.

Since last month things have gotten, weirder I think I should say.

Well for one, i've been hurting like a lot. My tits feel like they've been growing more I guess. My nipples man, they feel like I closed them in a laptop, right now, I have ice cubes in my bra making them numb.

It's cold but its worth it, "Tom! Don't do it-" Cathy yelled at Tom that held a gun up to the man she was having an affair withs head.

In my head I was thinking he had deserved. Apparently, Tom was thinking the same,


"Lets go Cathy-"


"Dumb white bitch." I shook my head once he slapped her.

I suddenly had the feeling to make a PB and Honey. We ran out of jelly, plus I liked honey better.

I got out of the bed leaving my room, Saturdays and Sundays are Joe's now full work days meaning he left before I woke up and came back once I was sleep- at least thats what he thought I was doing.

I always tend to catch my naps right after school so I can be prepared for the night. Of course I don't go home and take them, I go to Cakes. She has a spare room at her house and she lets me crash in there on her air mattress.

She always had my back.
No matter, it made me feel good.

Once I was done with that, I cut them both into triangles and looked inside the fridge, to see nothing in here. Of course he never goes grocery shopping, fucking trackie.

I poured me the last of the milk and proceeded back to the room where I heard the sound of harsh breaks from outside, I paid no mind and continued to eat and watch this lame ass movie.

I just decided to turn and watch some Ion. Cant nothing go wrong with-

I ran to the bathroom to puke after drinking some of the milk, and once I get to throwing up...its like I CANT STOP!

"B-UWEEWWW-B-LLLAHH-" Some came out in tiny chunks, some as liquid. All I know is I hated the awful smell and the feeling of it coming up my throat.

I flushed the toilet before I brushed my teeth. I walked back in my room and seen the trap phone vibrate. I checked it seeing it was a girl name Dyamond asking for three percs and two molly's. I told her that would cost her a whole buck, and she told me to slide through anyway.

She didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed the clothes i'd be wearing for the day and took a shower before drying off and putting them on.

It was pretty hot outside today for it to be early mid March in New York but the weather was just good for me to rock a tank, snap back, and some black tights. I even wore my blue and pink flights. I grabbed my bag and I was out the door ready to get my board from down stairs in the bushes were I secretly hid it.

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now