THIRTY THREE~ Affirmative

548 30 14

SIX| Second Half

May 15, 2013

It was that day.

A day that would determine how much Cakes really would ride for me.

A day that would really determine if she was bout what she says she is.

SPLASH "HUUUUUUUU-" I woke up feeling my face wet, I thought I was drowning but of course it was just a school day with Joe.

"Get the fuck up you got fifteen minutes." Boom, the door closed.

"UH," I wiped my face off getting off the bed with a wet face, "I swear I fucking hate you." I said before I started to start my day, first pulling off the cover and sheets off my bed throwing them to the corner of my room. I then pulled my mattress up and stood it against the wall.

It's about time for a new bed I think.

I got out my clothes out and made my way to the bathroom. Turning the shower on I got in, and got out twenty minutes later. I like to feel clean and smell good. Sorry I was late.

I rushed out by the escape so he wouldnt notice me late and was on my way to school, surprisingly, Ro was as well, "Hey Royal." I hugged him.

He hugged me back, "Good morning Ma." The kiss he put on my forehead made me warm up a little bit. He doesnt know how much his prescence means to me. "You ready for today?"

Jitters that went down my back and it kinda had me on edge. The fact that all this was happening to me, fuck. "No, Im not ready but you know some, it has to be done Ro." I shrugged, "It's life I guess."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it, "Yeah I get you."

We got on the bus to school and the whole way didnt say a word to each other. But I paid attention to him.

The way his leg bounced up and down, he occasionally bit at his lip, played with his fingers, and look up at me to see if I was watching him. I watched how he tried to stop all of those things.

He was nervous.

But of what?

When it was our time to get off the bus we did, and walked the entire way to school quite. Ofcourse I went to the Ock and got a bacon, egg, and cheese but I had to split it with Ro's hungry fat ass, totally didnt fill me up at all.

//passing period 3\\

I was walking you know just minding my business in the hall ways and allat, you know just being my charming, boring, unpredictable self when I heard, "She doesnt look pregnant."

"Well thats what I heard..."


After all the days that i've been here, it's taken the words of Ro to actually have my ears open to hear these females talk about me like this.

Even though its true, they didn't know it.

"Excuse me?" I stopped walking and looked at them. "Did yall have something to say?" They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Were we talking to you?"

"But I heard my name in yo mouth bitch whats good?" I spoke taking off my back pack right there ready to go off. I didnt care about no fucking Probation or none of that. They had me fucked up, who do these bitches think they are?

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now