THIRTY FIVE~ Cauchemars De Milan🎭

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June 14, 2013

"I can't believe I'm doing this-"

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"I can't believe I'm doing this-"

"I can. Come on Mi, you said you were his favorite and he hasn't seen you since when? How do you think he feel?"

"He has an older sister," I smacked my lips. "I don't like this."

"You don't like this?" He chuckled, "Suck it up and do it Mi. He's named after you for God's sake." He rolled his eyes at me before pushing me up her stairs.

We were out side of Tilan's what 11th birthday party or is he ten? Honestly I'm at the age of forgetting ages and shit or what ever.

I didn't wanna come. I didn't but hell I guess it's cool.

I just hope no one hugs me hard, "I look fucking fat Royal, can we just do this another day?"

"Come on." He opened the door and with big smiles we entered, " Does a birthday boy live here?!" He asked.

I seen Tailan's curly hair and the smile that spread against his face when he seen me, "Lani!!" He yelled catching everyone's attention as his arms wrapped around me tight. He looked at me weird but kept on squeezing me. I guess it doesn't matter.

"I missed you so so much. Why you leave me here with Valerae?" His lips busted out his mouth.

Ew, now I get what people say about me. Nah just kidding he's adorable with his light brown eyes, light clear skin, and small chinky eyes.

He looked like a boy version of me.

"I was on House Arrest I couldn't have came. How was your day?"

"Better now that you here!" He grabbed my hand, "Look what mama got me!! It's the new Wii! And look she got me Mario Kart and the wheel wanna play!" He kept on talking.

Just then Aunt Jen came over with a smile on her face, "Tio deja a Milán sola, lleva muerta dos meses, déjala regenerarse."
(Tio leave Milan alone, she been dead for two months, let her regenerate.)

See this is why I didn't wanna come, "Aunt Jen wait." I walked after her leaving them.

She's just like her mother.

"Tía Jen, lo siento por ir y MIA."
(Aunt Jen, I'm sorry for going MIA)

"¿Sabes lo que tenía que decir cuando mi hermana me preguntó cómo te iba?" I was quite, "Go on. Ask?!"
(Do you know what I had to say when my sister asked me how you were doing?)

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now