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June 6, 2013

"Halle-fucking-leujah," She breathed out silently glad that she was finally off house arrest. She could've cried, "Milan don't take that for granted." She heard her lawyer say, she shrugged.

"Im thankful. When can I leave?" Just then the case was dismissed she was first to get up thankful that the bracelet was going to get off her leg and she'd be free. Never again.


While Joe was driving, I ignored his presence. He kept on looking at me out the side of his eye and it made me cringe. I hate him.

"Dont think cause that anklet off that you can do whatever you want now,"

"Who said I was?"

"You getting smart with me," he smacked my lip. I instantly busted it. "You know how you are, keep on fucking with me Ima trap you in that room."

"Whatever," I sawollowed my tears as he continued to look at the road. I focused on the outside of my window like always.

When we got home, I went in my closet preparing for my journey. I was going to the trap, I didn't want to waste anymore time. I grabbed my hand bags and put some things inside including Kissing Kate my smith and Wesson and a couple nick and dimes bags that I had left.

I put other things inside it to and it wasn't nothing till I hopped out the window and down the fire escape like all the time. It always stayed pulled down since the first time I went up, I guess nobody else use the fire escape like me to even notice it.

I grabbed my board from by the dumpster and road off to the train.


"It couldn't be, she's rising from death," Sammy dumb ass tried to joke. I found nothing ever so funny.

"Ha ha go to hell." I flicked her off walking in more, getting even more greetings. Hell I didn't even know people knew me. Yeah I was apart of ABMOB but I wasn't at the same time. I couldn't be for real so basically Im more so affiliated then anything.

Hell I haven't even gave nobody a buck fifty yet.

"You know you was gone for a long time," she informed like I didn't know putting her arm around me. I nodded, "Yeah I was on house arrest."

"HOuSE Arrest!" She gasped like it was that big of a deal, I sat down on the couch. "I didn't know you were so bad what did you do?"

"I ran away."

"Oh that makes sense," She nodded. "I remember when I first ran away. My momma didn't care though." She shrugged.

"Where you go?"

"With me of course," Cakes said coming from some place. I laughed a little before hugging her. She rose her eyebrow at me, "What you doing here?"

I shrugged, "I gotta get money some how right?" I didn't need a answer when I seen her face relax up. "Plus it aint like im doing it."

"Why you got a problem wit her being in here?" Sammy asked with a curious look on her face. "You wan't before."

"Mind yo nose Samant-"

"Sh, SH, Sh-" She put her hand up at her. "I get it, I'll just go. I got some important business to handle anyway."

"So go handle it." She dismissed her, I laughed a little bit as Sammy hugged me and flicked Cakes off. They so Bipolar.

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now