FORTY NINE~ Unfinished Business

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NINE| Summer '14

June 30, 2014

The days I spent in the closet made me realize so many things over the years

One, my panic attacks are just mere dramatic stress processing out my body when I'm scared.

Two, when you go on days watching the outside of the door go from light to dark, no one's here to save you.

Shit, screaming only lasts for so long once he forgets you even in here-

Then when he does it time for the bath.

When he opened the door I covered my eyes and started crying, apologizing for fighting back all while lowkey crawling out the closet.

He always acted like he was sorry at the end too, "It's okay baby, I understand."

He was so confusing, this was the first time in along time where we didn't go straight to the bathroom, he let me go to my room.

Going into my room I cried at the mess, opening my closet seeing my shoe boxes ransacked, my heart breaking with every dollar that wasn't there-

Check under the be-

After checking under the bed it was like a light and hope returned into my body just a little bit.

I knew the duffy was a good thought, dumb ass never goes under the bed and I don't either.

Putting it back I left it going back in the closet getting my clothes out avoiding the look on my face.

When I was done with my shower it was time for the soaking part in the tub. Of course I wanted to take a shower bath, shower again.

I don't even know what day it is.

Getting out I took no time getting dressed and going back to my room locking the door. Going into my closet going to the top shelf I grabbed my moms old flat iron, pluggin it up in the wall before I started to flat iron my hair over since I had blow dried it in the bathroom.

When I was done I grabbed my makeup kit and worked on face the best I could before grabbing the duffle and taking out the little money that was left.

When I say I cried while counting this shit I mean I fucking cried.

He took over 50 bands from my closet and the shit that I had to give to Gane. That 50 bands is what I've been saving since I came in the game do you understand that-

All the small ass 5 thousands and 10s minus the little shit I paid to make sure we didn't get evicted and the lights were on bitch all that shit was gone!

In this bullshit ass fucking Duffy bruh was 15k.

15 fucking thousand.

I'm gone have no money by the time I leave Gane office cause I gotta pay him back and reup do you understand how I feel right now?!

I got up and grabbed everything before grabbing my board out my closet putting everything up where it was before.

I left from the escape before I began riding to the park. Even though the duffie was nothing and was gone be mere chump change by the end of the day- what ima get paid for doing this job with Remy might pay off.

While at a stop light I tried to turn my phone on. I think I wanna get a new one but it's whatever. Seeing the day was June 30th I sighed and controlled my emotions before seeing Hirem had texted me to meet him at some diner.

That was two days ago.

I sighed frustatrated before I looked through everything seeing Ro's twentieth text to me before he stopped with saying, "You MIA call me when you can."

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now