EIGHTY TWO~ New York vs Milan Carter | II

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FIFTEEN| The Past is Practice

February 4, 2016

"You may all rise, court is now in session."

Mi watched as the judge came out from the back like he did the last time, anxious and nervous.

She was facing life if not life, 10 years for being even remotely involved- even though she didn't say anything about what happened that day, she knew the prosecutors were after her.

She watched for the last two hours the right side of the court room fill up with the families of those boys: Rakim, Julian, Spencer, Olijah, and Brandon.

Deep down Mi didn't care them niggas were dead, but she wasn't gonna let the people see it.

She was playing everything safe, she couldn't fathom being locked in a box for ever.

As the opening statements rose up for discussion, Mi turned her head seeing her family there supporting her.

It's good to know I got them bitches to be there for me.
Fucking bitches-

"Pay attention Carter." A bailiff told her making her turn back around. She complied with the upmost respect saying sorry, as she watched the prosecutor defame her name for the jurors.

I guess you couldn't really call it defame though. Shit was public record, but it was still offensive none the less.

"Given her environment whose not to say this young lady wasn't capable of shooting these boys. I mean what would you do if you just witnessed your cousins being shot in front of you and you have the means to help? Acting out of emotion is real, especially in cases like these- young female murderers." The prosecutor Devin Harrison spurred out as he made his way around the court room.

He made notion to look at Mi when he called her a murderer, but he seen no emotion in her eyes- she just looked... weirdly numb.

With his bullshit now done, Louis got up almost amused at how easily he swayed the jurors.

Months of work- this fucking trial better last longer then 15 minutes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen today is a trying day for us all. We all want Justice, but I can assure Milan isn't the person this hammer should be brought down on." Louis was genuinely being sympathetic, even though she wasn't too sure Milan didn't have a part in it- she knew half of it wasn't her... that's all that really mattered.

"Today we'll be learning the facts- actual evidence unlike the hearsay Harrison dreamed up, and that's all that matters. That same evidence will prove my client is innocent on all charges being brought against her, she's been through enough. Thank you."

Sooner then later the real fun began with the first person they called on the stands.

The first responder on the crime scene that day, also a cop whose familiar with Mi outside of life, he's only met her on a couple occasions- none of them good. His name was Officer Owen- Doughnut in Mi's eyes.

She considered him cool. He's only ever seen her defend herself anyway and anytime she spoke to him it never gave fuck 12 energy.

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now