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You Are Cordially Invited to the wedding celebrating the union of

Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki

On Saturday April, 4th

In Konohagakure

"So it has already been three years" Sasuke thought to himself as he looked up at the clouds passing overhead the large Oak Tree he was currently sitting under. It feels like a lot shorter of a time has passed since leaving the village of Konoha on his personal quest of atonement for his dark past and all the sins he has commited. Way shorter than three years since he stood at the large gates saying his farewells to his two teammates and old sensei that he fought alongside in the Fourth Shinobi World War. Together, with the support of all the other brave shinobi from the great nations they ultimately achieved their goal of achieving peace among the nations by defeating the evil that threatened them all. The same three individuals that just as importantly worked against countless others to save him from himself and bring him back from the darkness that he set out to embrace at such a young age. He told them he had to leave, to travel and see the world and examine it with his newly acquired eyes, and he didn't just mean with this rinnegan that he was given, but with the eyes of someone who was just now able to see the light for the first time in eight years. What he didn't tell them, is that he felt like he didn't yet feel as if he served a purpose or had found his place where he fit in within the village yet. There were many who still did not trust the Uchiha, and for good reasons, he doesn't even trust himself at times. This is why he had to leave. In order to find his place and purpose in the village, he needed to first find his self worth and learn to trust himself again. He also did not know how long that was going to take, and was sure you could figure out who wasn't too thrilled with the whole idea of his leaving. That damn spikey haired idiot.

Three Years Earlier...

"What do you mean you are leaving!? You just freaking came home and we have so much to do in the village!" Naruto yelled in the Uchiha's face while waving his arms around erratically. While I waited for my idiot of a friend to quit ranting like a lunatic, I spared a quick glance at the other two individuals standing a few paces behind the yellow blur of energy.

In his usual green jacket and black mask hiding most of his face, Kakashi just looked on with an air of mild interest, but Sasuke had known his former sensei long enough and studied the histories thoroughly during his time with Orochimaru to know that Kakashi Hatake was always fully aware of everything going on around him no matter how nonchalant he may seem. Meeting the now matching black eyes of the silver haired man, a quick nod of understanding and acceptance passed between the two ninja. Sasuke then let his eyes travel over to the kunoichi standing rigidly beside Kakashi.

Sakura Haruno. The third member of team seven, and the only other person, other than Naruto, who truly knows Sasuke, what he has been through and especially what all he has done. Just like Naruto, growing up Sakura always believed that there was goodness in Sasuke and helped fight to bring him home to Konohagakure after he made the decision to leave them all. But unlike Naruto, whose faithfulness and firm belief that Sasuke was good never wavered, Sakura's resolve had faded more and more after one major failed attempt to reach him that ended up almost costing her her life. Sakura use to follow Sasuke around like a loyal puppy and declare her undying love for him every moment she could. Sasuke could see and feel the passion, the flame she held for him every time he looked into those large emerald eyes. He will also never forget the moment he saw that flame in her eyes for him extinguished forever.

When Sasuke battled Danzo, and Sakura and Kakashi attempted once again to bring the Uchiha home by trying to appeal to the humanity that he had locked away deep inside him after learning the truth about his older brother Itachi, it was far too late to reach the despairing teen. Even when he revealed to his two former comrades his deep desire to destroy the home they so desperately wanted to return him too, Sakura's love for Sasuke still burned so bright. But Sasuke was to far in the darkness for that light to ever reach him. Her love and passion for him burned so strongly that she said she would renounce her own home as well just to be beside him, if only for him to return her love. He saw that bright light illuminating her eyes, and it filled him with such hatred.

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