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Sasuke could listen to Hinata talk all day and never grow bored. Her melodic voice washed over him in calming waves as they made their way through the small market district that still remained near the side of the village that Hinata lived in. The much bigger stores inhabited the center of the village, but Hinata prefers to do her grocery shopping in this quieter part of the village. As he watched her move from stall to stall he watched how the villagers interacted with her, and she with them. Hinata showed the same kind of kindness and interest in each and every person that she came in contact with. The shop owners all knew her and some would even offer to give her free items while she shopped. Sasuke noticed when this would happen, Hinata would always make sure to slip some extra coins in with her payment. She also took the time to ask each of them how they were or about their families.

Before they had begun their shopping adventure, Hinata had offered for Sasuke to just wait and meet her back at her apartment. No doubt because she knew that picking up groceries was going to take her awhile. But Sasuke was honestly enjoying himself. Just watching her interact and be the beautiful individual that she was, he could do all day. Walking beside her as she did such a menial day-to-day task was nice. It made him feel normal.

"All finished!" Hinata tilted her head to the side, allowing her satin hair to fall over her shoulder and smiled gently at him. Returning her smile he reached out and took the bags from her hand. This earned him a genuinely surprised look then one of his favorite blushes before she turned to start towards her apartment. It was very evident that she was used to doing everything for herself and had never expected him to insist on helping. Even though it was childish, Sasuke was glad that he was the first masculine figure in her life to offer her this kind of help. Apart from her squadmates of course, but they helped purely out of their companionship towards their teammate, not out of any romantic feelings. At Least they better not have.

Stepping into the small apartment, Sasuke placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and took a seat at the square table in the corner where he typically sat and watched as Hinata prepared dinner. During these fleeting moments, it gave him the chance to really admire her without her getting all flustered and hiding herself. When she was focused on the task at hand she hardly noticed him. Tying her white apron around her waist, she pulled her long indigo locks back out of her face. He had to be careful not to allow himself to lose track of time just watching the indigo tail swaying back and forth against the small of her back. Instead he focused his attention on her delicate hands as they cleaned and prepared each ingredient meticulously.

Step by step she went. Filling the rice cooker, she then set to slicing the chicken breast into even pink cubes before placing them into a pan lined with what smelled like some sort of sweet sauce. Throwing in different seasonings the scent wafting through the air made his stomach rumble in response. Thanks to his sleeping in this morning all he was running on was some teac from the shop they had gone to earlier. Hinata strode to the fridge and grabbed a couple eggs. Gingerly cracking them she then put them in the pan with the chicken and poured in some more of that sweet smelling sauce. Placing some rice in two bowls, she swiftly topped them with the cooked chicken and egg mixture.

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