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Shikamaru was just laying down his last piece of completed paperwork regarding some new trading protocols being installed between the new allied shinobi nations, when his office door flew open with an unnecessarily loud bang.

"Shikamaru! Just the man I needed to see!" Naruto called out with way too much enthusiasm as he entered his old friend's office and plopped his happy ass in the seat across the desk from Shikamaru. Flinging his feet onto the front of the desk in front of him, Naruto leaned back in his chair and threw his arms behind his head as he cheesed like an idiot at his brunette friend.

Shikamaru let out one of his famous sighs and placed his chin on his hands that were currently being propped up on his desk in front of him. Closing his eyes for a few seconds internally hoping the blonde dope would have disappeared when he opened them, and was thoroughly disappointed when he only opened them to see that wide smile staring back at him still. "You can be a real drag sometimes, you know that? What do you want Naruto?" Shikamaru asked with as much annoyance in his voice as he could muster.

"Oh come on Shikamaru!" Naruto exclaimed feigning a look hurt on his face, "Don't you still enjoy my company?"

"I never enjoyed your company idiot." Shikamaru replied, although this time he let a little smile slip. Sure this big blonde brute was one of the most annoying individuals he had the privilege of calling a friend, but he was also one of the people he most respected in the whole village. Uzumaki had a heart the size of the village, and that made up for what he lacked in brains. That was fine though, because Naruto had Shikamaru there to be his brains for him. He had already promised the over confident man that he would be his top advisor whenever he became Hokage. Even though it wasn't a predetermined decision to make Naruto one of the future Hokages, Naruto didn't care. He told himself that he was going to be Hokage someday and that is all that mattered to him.

"You wound me Shikamaru, ya know." Uzumaki said through one of his cocky smiles. He couldn't help but notice the pure happiness and positivity radiating from the man across from him.

"What's got you in such a good mood today Naruto? You finally get laid?" I mean the guy in front of him was practically glowing, when only the other day he looked like a dead man walking. The brunette's snarky question caught the blonde off guard enough to knock him off balance in his chair and have to swing his feet off of the desk to keep from falling flat on his back. "It was that good huh?" Shikamaru chuckled under his breath.

"Screw you Nara." Naruto barked at him as he resituated himself in his chair. "But no, I just had a really good night's sleep last night ya know." Glaring at Shikamaru he continued, "how the hell do you even know that Sakura and I haven't yet anyway? We keep our personal lives pretty private I thought."

All Shikamaru had to do was raise an eyebrow at his embarrassed friend, "Even you should be able to figure that one out."

Growling something incoherent to himself Naruto ran an agitated hand through his hair, "Ino right. I should've figured. Just never thought Sakura would tell her friend something that personal ya know."

"Naruto," Shikamaru leaned forward, "If there is something that I have learned from being married this past year, is that women tell each other everything. Ino especially, possess a talent for weaseling the most confidential of information out of a person, without even having to use her jutsu. I am sure Sakura didn't even stand a chance with that one." For a brief second he thought he saw a dangerous look flash in his friend's eyes, but then he broke out in an embarrassed chuckle as he rubbed the back of his head with one of his hands.

"Yea, I am sure you're right about that. But Sakura should have known better about her friend by now, you would think anyways" Naruto resumed his natural poster again and carried on his conversation, "Not that it is anybody's business, but me and Sakura have just decided to wait until our wedding night is all. We want to make it sorta special, ya know." A slight blush appeared on his friends cheeks and he cleared his throat in order to change the current topic of conversation. "Actually speaking of the wedding, Sakura has told me that Temari isn't going to be able to be part of the wedding party. She is really heartbroken that she wont have one of her best friends as a bridesmaid. I know she is pregnant and all but why does that matter?"

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