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"Why does father need me to meet with him on such short notice?"

Natsu just shook her bobbed head as she continued to lead the way to Lord Hiashi's meeting room.

"You know that your Lord father needs not to explain why he gives his orders. Especially to someone in my station, my Lady."

Hanabi rolled her eyes and suppressed an exasperated sigh as she walked behind her instructor. She didn't need a lecture about manners again if Natsu were to hear her complaining. She'd probably only be asked why she was irritated by her father's summons. It's not like she had anything else on her schedule this evening. Atleast, not anything she could admit to anyone. Hopefully no one would notice the slight blush she could feel in her cheeks as she thought about her plans for for later this evening.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" A very familiar, very loud voice echoed down the hall from the front of the main house's entrance. Hanabi had to force her body not to push p;ast Natsu and sprint towards that voice. After a lifetime later, they finally turned the corner and approached three individuals standing just inside the front doors.

"Do you always have to be so loud and obnoxious Konohamaru!?"

Hanabi watched as the orange haired girl socked her man in the gut, causing him to double over with a grunt. A fire filled her chest at the sight of him cradling his stomach with both his arms as the girl she recognized as his teammate stood in front of him with her hands proudly on her hips.

"Excuse me!" Hanabi couldn't keep the anger out of her words. "You there, what are you doing in the Hyuga clan's compound and unaccompanied? Am I to assume you are trespassing?"

As the three shinobi straightened up at her arrival, she couldn't keep herself from shooting daggers at the orange haired kunoichi who shot them right back. Hanabi could admire the girl for not being intimidated, not that she would ever admit it to her though.

"Lady Hanabi!" she faintly heard Natsu try to cut in from behind her as she faced off with the fiery female in front of her.

"Hey now, come on guys." Konohamaru interjected.

"Shut it Konohamaru!" Both of the girls turned their anger on him, causing him to flinch and back up to stand beside his other squadmate who adjusted his glasses uncomfortably.

"They are here because I have summoned them."

It was Hanabi's turn to flinch and take a step back as her father's deep voice commanded everyone's attention.

"But father?" Hanabi started to argue, until her father met her eyes with a look of warning that made her mouth go dry and had her bowing her head in defeat. "Sorry my Lord, please forgive my outburst."

"I am not the one who you owe an apology too." Hanabi could feel her father's gaze still on her as she turned to face the team of three, still bowed.

"I apologize for my behavior, please forgive me." Straightening up, she avoided meeting anyone's eyes, feeling the tips of her ears burn with embarrassment.

"As the next leader of our clan, you need to start forming better bonds with the Leaf shinobi, my daughter. Alas, this is a discussion for a later date." Hiashi said, then turned his attention to the three outside visitors. "I believe we are waiting on two more guests, but if you would, please follow me to our council room.

The three shinobi bowed slightly before falling in line behind the Hyuga leader as they all made their way to the meeting room. Hanabi couldn't help but wonder who else they were waiting on. Or what the heck was even going on. Why is her father meeting with Konohamaru's team? All her questions kept piling up as she took her seat beside her father. Glancing in Konohamaru's direction, he and his teammates were shoulder to shoulder a few feet away. All of their attention solely on her father. All three of them stood tall and proud, unwavering in their focus on their superior who called them here. Hanabi mentally kicked herself for not acting just as mature and professional earlier. Curling her hands into fists on her lap, she told herself she needed to keep her emotions in check.

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