The Despair Lovers?

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{ My friend OlliesTalez genuine reaction to the title and the picture was "YEAH LESBIANS"}

Shuichi's point of view

Aoi eventually got the rest of us into the other room and we sat on the  couch in the same positions except Kiibo was sitting next to Kokichi along with Himiko.  Also I wasn't laying on Maki and Kaito falling asleep but rather just cuddled up to Kaito's chest with my feet on the ground this time.

Aoi was finishing up explaining to Kokichi and Kaito what was going on when the door flew open!

There stood a girl with short brown hair.  She was a little cubby but had a kind smile, it reminded me of Kaede. She was wearing a business suit as well.  I guessed that this was Makoto's sister.  And I was proven right when the girl who ran into the room yelled "Makoto!" At the top of her lungs and all he responded with was "H-hey sis."  She hugged the boy tight as another girl ran into the room. 

She looked like the complete opposite of the other girl.  She had long messy purple hair wearing a business suit.  She was lanky and skinny.  She had silver round glasses that complement her purple eyes.  I couldn't tell what the twos relationship was until the purple hair girl yelled at the other.

"K-Komaru...Babe... did you break the damn door on your way in here!" She shouted at the girl.  So her name was Komaru... fitting. "Toko wait I broke the door!!!" Komaru let go of her brother and stood up in shook.  "Y-yeah a-again" She said to her.  I could tell by there nicknames that the two must a least be dating.

"Sorry Makoto" the Komaru apologized to her brother.  He nodded in response.  Komaru and Toko proceeded to say hello to the rest of them.    waved at Makoto first and then moved on to were Komaru was at.  "Hey Toko Kirigiri to said her and stood up to give a small hug.  After she let go she was tackled into a hug by Komaru who practically shouted "Hey sister-in-law!!!!!"  She let go and all I saw Kirigiri's face was red. "There is no reason to call me that. Me and Makoto have been married for so long..l her face had only seemed to get more red.  "I knoooow! But its been awhile sense I last saw you!" She said in response to her. "It's been like two months." Komaru let go of Kyoko and walked over to Yasuhiro. 

"Hey chicks!" Yasuhiro said to Komaru and Touko.  Maki gave him another death stare and Toko rolled her eyes and backed away and whispered under her breath "don't touch me...". But unlike Toko, Komaru Jumped up and said back to him "Sup bro man!" And they did this weird..... fist bump.....thing....  They moved on to Byakuya.

Toko smiled and waved at him but Komaru just stood there with a pissed off face.  She eventually spoke "Hey ultimate Jackass" and walked away to Aoi, leaving him with a surprised and angry face. Toko just looked at him apologetically and walked over to Aoi as well.

Aoi got up and gave Toko a large hug.  After they let go Aoi and Komaru looked at each other and tackled each other into a hug.  Aoi didn't say anything but Komaru just shouted "Lesbian bestie! What's up!!!" At he top of her lungs.  They let go and Himiko just started dying on the floor.  Komaru looked over at her and pouted "W-what? D-don't laugh at us..." she scolded Himiko.

Himiko started to gain air to talk again and apologized to her and explained herself. "Nyeh heheheh sorry it's just...  If Tenko ever did that to me I wouldn't know what to do."  Komaru stoped pouting at her and smiled "who's Tenko?" She asked Himiko.  Himiko stopped laughing and blushed a bit before answering her question with " she's my f-Friend"   I whispered under my breath "crush" and Maki said loud and clear "girlfriend."  Himiko must have heard both of us because she was bright red and yelled back at us "Nyeeeh shut up!!!"  Komaru giggled at her. "I know who Tenko is, I was just joking." does she know her. She asked us all a question.

"So what are all your names?"

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