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(You would think that with this long ass break I would update more but nope! I can't do shit. Anyway I made the art at the top because I couldn't find any fan art that showed what I meant in the writing. Anyways enjoy the chapter!)

Shuichi's point of view

"So Kokichi you were the one to wake up next, have you noticed anything?" Kyoko asked. Kokichi tilted his head slightly," Nope! Not a thing." " I actually have noticed something...," Himiko said pointing up at particularly nothing. "Welp spill," Miu said leaning forward off the couch sightly. "I have noticed Ouma's skin getting kinda darker or redish, but I thought it was just my eyes so I didn't say anything" Kokichi looked at her confused before staring at his hands. Now that I look at it Kokichi's skin does look different. Kyoko walked forward to Kokichi and pulled up his sleeve. "I see, it's your whole body that is the scar." She let go of his arm,"I guess that correlates with how you died." She let his hand go and Kokichi stood up quickly running to the center of the room over the light, raising his hands up to the light. "Huh I guess you're right, that sucks it look like shit." "Kokichi take off your bandanna." His head flipped around to look at her in the eyes. I don't think Kokichi ever took that off..wonder what's under it. He turned the rest of his body's to face her, and placed his arms behind his head. "Hehe..No." I stepped forward slightly closer, incase anything happened from there. "What do you mean? I'm just checking on a major injury from when you were a remnant. It almost killed you I want to know if it's still there." "I said no." Kokichi said much firmer. "Kokichi relax, whatever you think happened for you to have those scars never happened." His appearance seemed more panicked now, clutching at his bandanna. "Ouma. No ones gonna say anything." He starred at me uneasy. "You don't even have to explain how you got it." "Saihara's correct and I don't think any of us can see you that well from here." Kiibo said from the couches. Kokichi nodded but he still looked uncomfortable. He untied his bandanna and pulled it down. I tied not to make any sounds of shock or panic. There were a few thick scratches on his neck. They looked deep, deepest scars I have seen. Kirigiri nodded and he quickly tied it back up. I don't think anyone saw them besides me. Just like Kiibo said they were across the room so they couldn't see. He quickly walked back over to the couches sitting in between Kiibo and Miu. Surprised neither of them said anything. "Sorry to make you uncomfortable Kokichi, I just need to make sure nothing is gone or new." He only nodded.

"Hmm Gonta? Please stand up."  Gonta obliged.  Kyoko walked toward him. She stopped and placed a hand on her chin. Shes has been quiet for a long time on the same position. Thinking. "Kyoko, I have an idea" Aoi said putting a hand on her shoulder. Kyoko nodded and moved out of the way. "Gonta sweetie, can you take off your jacket." Gonta started unbuttoning his jacket,"Gonta can." He took off his jacket and handed it to her. Aoi placed it on the couch. She walked back over to him, starting to unbutton his blouse from the bottom. "Wow what the hells going on here?" Miu asked smirking. Aoi stopped, only about 2 buttons in, and turned to look at Miu. "Don't speak of my son that way again, or you'll have another thing coming young lady." She said it still cheerful but something about it was slightly off putting. It was enough to make Miu shut up completely and lean back into the couch. Aoi went back to unbutton the blouse. "Oh my god-" she hadn't gone that much farther but I could make out a huge mark on his stomach. "Yeah that's definitely it." Kyoko said. "It's much they like appear over time?" Keade asked. "That's what I would assume" Kyoko said. "Yeah definitely, Gonta's is much lighters than Kaito's" Makoto Pointed out.

"You know Iruma-San you have a Mark on your neck too." Kiibo said and I looked over to them. "Huh? Really?" He nodded at her," it's kinda hard to notice it's very light." He reached to the choker and took to off. "Wow! Kibobba wasn't lying!"Kokichi said moving closer to Miu placing his hands on her neck. She swatted him away,"Off weirdo!"

"I have already located the scaring on my body." Korekiyo said. His mask was down, in all this commotion I almost forgot about his broken nose. "Shinguji! Are you injured?" Kirumi walked forward ready to assist. "You're not gonna believe this shit but like Yumeno broke his nose a wile back!" Kokichi exclaimed. "You sound a bit too happy about that Ouma." He smiled a care free smile at me then sat back down. Something I wonder what goes on in that head of his. "Are you sure you're alright?" Kirumi asked. He nodded at her slightly smiling. "Please proceed." "Ah yes," on my arms there are random patches of very light burn scars. They are randomly placed not in any real order. And on my face there are random dots that Hoshi pointed out." Kyoko nodded. "We will figure out if the scars in you travel farther down your body at a later date."
I walked over to The couch that Tenko was seated at. I placed a hand on Tenko's shoulder and leaned my head close to her neck to get a good look at it. "Um..Saihara." There was definitely no mark, hers was not there yet. I moved away from her "She has no mark, so Yonaga's has probably not shown up yet." Kyoko nodded at me smiling,"look at you, you're like a mini me." I couldn't help but smile back...I missed her. Okay Angie," Kyoko moved be hind the couch she was on. She put her hands on her head, moving her hair around and out of the way. "I don't think yours is visible yet, like Shuichi said. Even so I think I'm going to have Mikan look at it, it's too hard to see for my eyes." She walked back to the middle of the couches. "I think that's all the time I have to check." "All the time you have?" Kyoko nodded and Kaito." "Your parents should be here soon." I almost forgot they were coming. But I guess I don't have to wait mine are already here. Guess it will be good to catch up. "I have a question!" Kaede shot her hand up. "When should all are scars be visible." "I'm guessing by the time you wake up tomorrow." "Okay guys! We are going to move to the meeting room to meet your parents so let me lead you all there." Aoi stood up. All of us stood up walking ourselves towards the door."Follow me and don't get lost!" We left the room into a hallway. We passed many rooms with many different things. Eventually we made it to a large room. It had nothing in it. I'm guessing they moved the desks and chairs away for this meeting. Everyone began to scatter around the room. "Okay everyone! You may walk were ever you want but I recommend you stay close to your siblings if you have one to make things less difficult when your parents get here. With that Tenko walked over to Kaito, Kokichi skipped to Rantaro, and Angie and Himiko were already next to each other. "Oh! And um Ryoma and Korekiyo you many come sit with Byakuya and Yasuhiro or just talk to each other. Your parents are do not have contact with Future Foundation so you will have to wait a little longer." I walked over to my parents and stood next to them. "Hey, good to see you again" Makoto said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Oh um Gonta sweetie You can come here, sense I'm your mom." Gonta walked over to Aoi and the room started to fill with chatter waiting for them to arrive.

(I KNOW IM EVIL FOR THE CLIF HANGER!. I'm honestly surprised so many of you guys are even still reading this...but it really inspires me to make more. Honestly this fanfic is like the main reason I'm still in this fandom. Um also I called Gonta's thing a blouse that's probably not right but I kinda forgot the name of it so oh well. Next chapter is gonna be hella long with tons of point of views so get excited. Have an amazing day or night and don't get the Corona! Bye!)

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