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"Stop whining," Blue chided as she pulled out another piece of shrapnel. Dust groaned.

"How am I not supposed to whine? You're pulling pieces of metal out of my back." Blue pulled out another. He grunted in pain.

"That's better," she said, smirking to herself.

"You're the devil," Dust growled through his pain.

"Last one." Blue pulled out the last piece of shrapnel and dropped it in her jar. They were working in the lab attached to their room, they'd cleared a table for the occasion. Blue grabbed the disinfectant and poured it on his wounds. He cried in pain as it stung his wounds.

"Fucking waste of alcohol," He grunted. Blue smiled and put on the bandages.

"You wanna drink the disinfectant?" She asked.

"No, I think they waste alcohol putting it in that shit." Blue laughed.

"It's for the greater good." Having finished, she leant on an adjacent table and looked at him as he relaxed.

"So," She began. "Why'd you do it?" He frowned.


"Why'd you shield me from the blast?" Dust was silent for a moment.

"You're cute. Cute people should be protected." Blue laughed incredulously.

"Oh come on! I'm a killer. I kill people. There's nothing cute about me!" Blue studied him. "You're not gonna tell me the real reason are you."  Dust shook his head and pulled himself into a sitting position.

"Later. I'm gonna go get alcohol and use it for its real purpose."

"Getting drunk?" Dust chuckled.

"I'd go to bed early if I were you."

Cross bit back a cry as she missed the arrow again, moving it slightly further into her skin. She'd managed to remove her dress without causing much more injury and now the only thing she was wearing was her bra and underwear. She panted as she tried again and cried out when she failed again. A knock came from the door.

"Cross, do you want me to get one of the girls?" Nightmare asked. Cross sighed harshly.

"No, they're resting," She replied, a frustrated edge to her voice.

"You sure you don't want me to go get Blue?"

"No, she may not have been hit by any of the shrapnel but her ears would've been blown and she was smashed against the wall."

"So were you." Cross began reaching behind her back again. "Cross you can't treat that on your own."

"I have to."

"If you won't let anyone else help I will. There's nothing wrong with me and I promise I won't gawk." Cross hesitated.


"If you don't let me in I'll come in anyway." She sighed quick and heavy and opened the door.

"Fine." Nightmare walked in and gasped. "Yeah, I know," Cross mumbled. Her entire back and shoulders were covered in scars. Nightmare bent down and touched them. She flinched and cried out as the arrow dug in deeper.

"Sorry," He apologised. He put his hand around the arrow and pulled. Cross screamed as the arrow tore out of her flesh and panted as her wound began to bleed. Nightmare quickly dressed and bandaged it. "All done." Cross sighed and gulped down air.

"Thank God," She sighed. Nightmare put a finger on her scars.

"Can I?" He asked.

"It doesn't disgust you?" Cross asked, wrapping her arms around her knees.

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