Sad Killer

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Guys, he's got nukes

Killer poked his head into the room to find Dream sitting on his bed, smiling.

"Hey Dreamy," he said, giving her a wide grin. "I see it went well." She looked up at him as she noticed his voice and gave him a blinding smile.

"Yep! Nighty and I are on talking terms again!" She replied, her eyes practically glittering with happiness. "It really feels like I have my brother back again!" Killer's grin slipped slightly as she said that.

"Yeah... it must be really nice to be able to talk to him like your brother again." Dream nodded, not noticing the subtle change in his expression.

"I really missed him and I guess he's got a girlfriend now, if that's what you can call his and Cross's relationship." She stood up, still smiling but more to herself this time. "I'm gonna have a shower. Don't you dare be pervy about it," she warned, still grinning gleefully. Killer managed to pull off a smirk as she walked away but it fell soon after the bathroom door had closed. He sat down on his bed and pulled off his hoodie in frustration. He felt stupidly jealous. After a few moments of simply sitting on his bed, he groaned and covered his face with his hands.

"Why can't I make her smile like that?!" He wondered angrily. "Ugh, I feel so dumb! I can't seriously be jealous of her brother!" He punched his pillow in irritation and collapsed, burying his face in the sheets. Dust's voice echoed in his head over and over.

"OH MY GOD! You're in LOVE!"

Killer groaned and flipped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, so what? It's not like she feels anything remotely like that for me," he thought. "Damn that shit about love hurting is actually true," he mumbled.

"What about love?" Killer jumped up from his bed and looked in surprise at Dream who's come out of the bathroom hair half wet and body wrapped in a towel.

"Whoa! Dream? Why are you dressed like that?" Killer yelped, stuck between admiring her and looking away. Dream rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut it pervert, I just finished my shower and realised I didn't take any clothes in so I came out here to look," she said, proceeding to open the drawers where she'd put her clothes in the search for something to wear. Killer, finally settling on admiring her, watched her body move around their room, the only thing between her and complete nudity a towel held up by one of her hands and a knot. He blushed and went back to burying his face in his pillow. He felt Dream stare at him as she walked back into the bathroom to change but he only buried his face deeper into the choking fabric of the pillow. He heard the bathroom door open again but he didn't move. Soon after he felt Dream's soft hand touch his cheek and he peeked out from his pillow prison. She stood before him in a simple t-shirt and shorts, a look of worry on her face.

"What do you want Dream?" He asked dully. His tone and question made her visibly flinch and he immediately felt guilty. He was about to apologise when she asked.

"Are you ok Killer?" His mouth shut and he looked away, avoiding her curious gaze. "Killer?" He finally opened his mouth and croaked out.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You aren't acting like yourself," Dream said. "You haven't been teasing me, you actually looked away while I looked for clothes and you just called me Dream."

"...t's your name," he mumbled. Dream pursed her lips and continued.

"Plus your smiles and smirks just now seemed pretty fake." Killer put a tired smile on his face and shrugged.

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