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"Alright guys," Nightmare began as everyone entered the room. "We'll go round in a circle. Each person will tell us what they learnt. Lust and Horror you can go first." Lust and Horror looked at each other and shrugged.

"Well, I spoke to a close friend of one of the members. He was too stupid to be an actual member," Lust began. "He told me the party was suggested by a man with a golden tooth who said they'd use it to cover their tracks and move elsewhere."

"A man with a golden tooth?" Blue asked. "He's the guy that took me into that hallway with the bomb. He said he knew who we were." Cross frowned.

"He knew who we are?" She asked. Blue nodded.

"He told me almost everything he knew about us before he left he said he'd be willing to tell us everything he knew."

"What about the blue guy?" Horror asked. "Did you see him?" Killer and Dream looked at each other.

"A blue guy? Like a guy in a blue tux?" Killer asked. Nightmare raised a hand.

"In a circle please guys," He ordered. Everyone shut their mouths. Horror began.

"I saw a man in a blue tux with blue eyes watching the party but apart from that I was making sure Lust was ok." Horror shrugged. "Maybe he was working with the golden toothed guy."

"Too distracted with Lust to find out though," Dust said, grinning.

"Killer? Dream?" Nightmare asked.

"We were watching the room," Dream said. "We saw the blue guy and the golden toothed guy. We saw them leave but didn't think much of it. We had to get out of there as soon as we could when that bomb went off because everyone was running." Killer nodded in confirmation.

"That pretty much covers it."

"Error and Ink? Do we have access?" Error nodded.

"To all servers, some might be a bit harder to crack than others when it comes to the point," He answered.

"We didn't see anyone," Ink finished.

"Reaper? Geno?"

"No one entered and left the building while the party was going on," Reaper answered.

"Alright, Blue's already spoken, what about you Dust?" Nightmare asked.

"Well," Dust began. "I was watching Blue while she spoke to this golden toothed man and I saw her leave so I followed her."

"But not straight away," Horror interrupted. "His eye flared up." Dust looked down as Nightmare studied him with surprise and anger.

"You almost lost control?!" He asked. Dust kept his mouth shut and frowned at the floor. "Dust you can't do that!" Dust's eye flared purple as he glared at Nightmare. The girls looked at him in awe and the boys took a few steps back, pulling their female counterparts with them.

"It's not my fault! I don't have control over this! If you can't deal with it you can fucking kick me out!" He stormed out of the room leaving Nightmare to look guiltily after him.

"What did you and Cross learn?" Horror asked quietly. Nightmare gulped.

"We went around the back to see if there were any paper only files that were important," Cross answered.

"And were there?"

"No," Nightmare answered. "Meeting adjourned." The others nodded and left the room. Cross stared at him.

"Why are you lying to them?" She asked.

"I don't know how'd they take it," He answered. "They might want to revenge kill, they might not care. I don't know." He sat down on the bed and covered his face in his hands. Cross sat next to him.

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