Male Yoto Hime x Fem/Male reader : Married couple

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Sakura9Nura requested fem reader while Kuro_Mujou requested male reader

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Sakura9Nura requested fem reader while Kuro_Mujou requested male reader . In this chapter the reader will be both gender .

Right now I'm trying to find my husband Yoto . I walk into the bamboo forest ." Hey Mannendake-Sama ", I called . He stare down at me from the bamboo tree ." What do you need ?", he ask ." Have you seen Yoto ?", I ask ." Don't know , isn't he at his usual place ?", he question ." No , I have search there but I didn't see him ", I replied while looking sad . He sigh and jump down from the tree . He hit me with his flute for no reason ." Aw why !", I scream ." Stop looking so down , this didn't look like you . If you don't want to lose him then go find him ", he said with annoy ." Is he worried ?", I thought ." Thank you Mannendake-Sama ", I bow before going ." That Yoto guy is sure is lucky to have such a nice wife/husband ", Mannendake sigh .

2 hrs later

I let myself fall to the ground against the tree . I grabbed my knees and sobbed ." Yoto where are you ?", I cried quietly ." Why did he always put a wall between us . We are already married , do you not love me anymore ?", I thought ." (Y/N) ", a soft deep voice call . I look up to see Yoto blocking the light ." (Y/N) what happen ? Did someone did this to you !?", he ask worriedly and bend down . I hugged him tightly which surprise him . He think for a moment before embrace me ." (Y/N) why are you crying ?", he ask softly ." B-Because it's your fault ! Y-You left me and you don't know how worried I am !", I let out my anger at him . He wipe my face with his thumb and cupped my cheek ." I'm sorry (Y/N) , I didn't mean it ", he apologize ." Then why do you put your distance from me ? Do you not love me anymore ?!", I cried . I could feel his grip tighten when I said that . I got a feeling that I shouldn't said it ." (Y/N) don't say that , I'll always love you ! The reason I always run away is I don't know if I'm the right person to stay with you . I'm scare that one day I can't control myself and I'll kill you ", he split out his reason .

" You baka ", I said and lift his face up ." I know you will not do that . Do you forgot how long we've been together ?", I ask ." (Y/N) forgive me ", he buried his face on my shoulder ." I will but if you disappear from my sight again I will divorce with you ", I joked ." Please don't , I need you in my life (Y/N) . Please don't go ", he pleaded and I chuckle . He lift his face up and I took this chance to kiss his lips . His eyes widen but he kiss back . Our kiss is passionate . We broke away and stare at each other ." I love you Yoto ", I confess ." I love you too (Y/N) ", he smile . He lift me up in bridal style causing me to flinch ." W-What are y-you doing ?", I stutter ." I'm going to apologize to you by showing how much I love you~", he said seductively . I blush and grabbed onto him tightly ." This part of him is new ", I thought .


Yoto new skin 'Scarlet Saber' is very exposing . And Yoto himself don't really mind it . His bare long thigh , his bare thick chest and abs cause all the girls to go crazy . I got irritated by this sight . I got in front of my husband and he look at me confuse . I put his kimono together to cover his chest and legs ." Now done ", I said . He tilt his head in confusion ." You know your skin is causing a lot of commotion right now . I will get jealous if people saw you like this ", I said as I turn around to walk . 

I feel a strong strength grabbed my wrist . I got pull back and my back hit Yoto's chest ." I will get annoyed if my dear (Y/N) wear something improper and I'll kill people who look at you with dirty eyes~", he whisper in my left ear . I look at him and blush . He smirk when he sees me flushing ." I'm saying all this are true . I will punish you if you actually disobey me (Y/N)~", he said seductively ." Says the one who wore the clothes right now ", I huffed . He chuckle and tangle his fingers with mine ." Let's us enjoy the festival ", he try to change the subject . I nodded and walk with him around the festival .

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she won't be yours // shuten doji modern au by ibaeraki

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