Shoyo X Girlfriend reader : Hurt

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Not all my stories always get a happy ending .

(S/N) - Sister's name

I wrapped my arms around Shoyo causing him by surprise ." Hello (Y/N) , how are you ?", Shoyo asked ." I'm doing great and what about you ?", I asked ." Same here ", he replied . I looked at what he is doing , writing poems again ." Is this your new poem ?", I asked ." Yes and it's a poem about sea ", he replied ." Why sea ? Aren't all your poem is about nature or human ?", I asked ." I want to try something different ", Shoyo said ." Oooh ", I nodded . I leaned onto him while he did his work .

Me and Shoyo had been dating for almost 2 years and next week is our anniversary . I can't help but feel excited . The first time we met , Shoyo will always write romance poem for me . But he stopped writing for half a month ago . I was mad but I can't be so selfish , I know he had something he want to write about .


I looked at myself in the mirror . I did a spin . I makes sure my hairpin didn't fall off , my make-up keep in shape and my kimono didn't go wrinkle ." Perfect !", I said to myself ." (Y/N) are you ready ?", Shoyo knocked on my door ." Yeah !", I replied . I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and giggled . I open the door to see Shoyo dressed in his usual clothes . I cling myself into his arms ." Let's go !", I exclaimed . There is a festival going on in the town and it's on the same day of our anniversary . 

" Wow !", my eyes beam with stars . We try every foods and drinks in the festival . We even played games . I looked back at Shoyo and saw him looking down ." Are you alright Shoyo ?", I asked with concerned . He looked back at me and shake his head . He force a smile on his smile ." Good , there's a restaurant over there . Wanna go try out their foods ?", I pointed ." When it come to foods , you can't resist ", Shoyo chuckle . I pulled his left arm , bringing him with me . 

We ordered foods at the counter before finding our sit . The restaurant is packed . Shoyo luckily found a sit near the outside . We are on the 2nd floor and we could looked down at the streets . Lantern is light with different colors , humans & yokais going in and out and the sound of music is played ." So beautiful ", I said dreamily . I was so into the scenery that I didn't know Shoyo is looking not so happy in front of me ." (Y/N) I had something to tell you ", his voice seem serious ." What is it ?", I asked confusingly . He looked hesitated for a moment ." Is he going to propose me ?", I thought . I can't helped but having a big grinned .

" Let's break-up (Y/N) ".

My smiles dropped instantly ." What do you mean ?", I asked when I can't believed what I heard ." I'm sorry (Y/N) , I'm in love with someone else ". I could feel water dripping from my cheek ." W-with who ?", I stuttered . He clenched his fist ." (S/N) ", he replied without looking at me ." M-My sister !", I thought . More tears swelling from my eyes ." H-how long ?", I asked angrily ." . . . For half a month ", he replied . It the same day where he stopped writing love poem for me .

" Shoyo !", a cheerful voice called . I looked up to see (S/N) coming to our direction . She wrapped her arms around Shoyo and kiss his lips . I can't believe Shoyo kiss back . My heart throb . Every pieces in my heart began to shattered when I saw this scene . They stopped kissing and (S/N) noticed me ." Oh hey sister . Didn't notice you here ", she smiled but more like s smirk . I slammed my hands on the table which cause the attention of every people in the restaurant ." I can't believe you're having an affair with (S/N) ! I hate you Shoyo ! And you , thank you for stealing my boyfriend . I hope you guys could have a nice day !", I yelled before taking my leave ." Wait (Y/N) !", Shoyo shouted . I ignored his call and storm out from the restaurant , leaving everyone muttering .

I walked in the crowded street with my head down . My tears had dried up and my eyes is burning . I feel betrayed , pain , mad and lonely . Everyone is enjoying themselves . The happy expression plastered on everyone's face ." So unfair . Why did I have to be the one to suffered ?", I asked myself . More question bring into my mind .

" Why did he choose over my sister more than me ? "

"What's so good about her ? "

"What do he not like in me ?"

"Am I not good enough for him ?"

"What am I meant for him ?"

" Hahaha !", I began to laugh hysterically . What a beautiful day to get heartbroken .

Happy Halloween everyone .

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